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Wayne Beaton / eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / APIs / eclipsefdn-project-adopters
Eclipse Public License 2.0Adopters are organizations that voluntarily show their support for the Eclipse projects.
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Eclipse Projects / APP4MC / org.eclipse.app4mc
Eclipse Public License 2.0APP4MC - Data model and main tools
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / APIs / Eclipse Foundation Committer Paperwork API
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Foundation / IT / APIs / Eclipse Foundation API SDK
Apache License 2.0Common libraries, helpers, and wrappers used in the regular development of APIs at the Eclipse Foundation. This helps standardize operations and make downstream fixes easier.
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Eclipse Projects / Eclipse openK User Modules / org.eclipse.openk-usermodules.statementPublicAffairs.backend
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Philippe Krief / eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation.
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Eclipse Projects / Eclipse CHESS / chess
Eclipse Public License 2.0The CHESS project provides a model-driven, component-based methodology and tool support for the development of high-integrity systems for different domains. The methodology is particularly suited for space systems and industrial domains.
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Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Graphene / portal-marketplace
Apache License 2.0Graphene Web-UI frontend and backend
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Eclipse Research Labs / ENACT Project / Software Development Kit
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OpenHW Group / backup-20241120 / core-v-sdk
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated