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Eclipse Projects / xfsc / Organization Credential Manager / ssi-abstraction
Apache License 2.0Project has been archived due to code reorganization
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Eclipse Agent Modeling Platform ARCHIVED
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Archived 0Updated
Eclipse Projects / MDMBL / org.eclipse.mdm.realms
Eclipse Public License 2.0This repository is archived.
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Archived 0Updated
Project has been archived due to code reorganization
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Eclipse Projects / xfsc / Organization Credential Manager / proof-manager
Apache License 2.0Project has been archived due to code reorganization
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Eclipse Projects / MDMBL / org.eclipse.mdmbl
Eclipse Public License 2.0This repository is archived
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Archived 0Updated
Eclipse Projects / Technology / Eclipse Dash / dash-website
Eclipse Public License 2.0Project Dash is a place where the community itself can collaborate on tools for community awareness and collaboration in support of our ultimate objective of committer quality and cooperation. This is very much a research project as we are not entirely sure what these tools will be.
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Archived 0Updated
Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / automotive-oss.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0Archived 0Updated -
Archived 0Updated
Archived 0Updated
Archived 0Updated
Archived 0Updated