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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / eclipseide.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse® IDE Working Group is formed to ensure the continued sustainability, integrity, evolution, and adoption of the Eclipse IDE suite of products and related technologies.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / sdv.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0An open technology platform for the software-defined vehicle of the future.
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Craig Frayne / sdv-website
Eclipse Public License 2.0An open technology platform for the software-defined vehicle of the future.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Webdev / hugo-solstice-theme
Eclipse Public License 2.0Eclipse Foundation Solstice Theme for Hugo!
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / oniroproject.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0This is the repository corresponding to Oniro WG and TLP landing page, made public on 2021-10-26
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Assets for the Eclipse Foundation look and feel called Solstice.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / sparkplug.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse Sparkplug Working Group seeks to drive the evolution and broad adoption of the Eclipse Sparkplug protocol and related technologies that enable the creation of open, collaborative, and interoperable Industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / iot.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0Eclipse IoT provides the technology needed to build IoT Devices, Gateways, and Cloud Platforms.
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Eclipse Interest Groups / openMobility / openmobility.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The OpenMobility working group will drive the evolution and broad adoption of mobility modelling and simulation technologies.
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Frédéric Desbiens / sparkplug.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse Sparkplug Working Group seeks to drive the evolution and broad adoption of the Eclipse Sparkplug protocol and related technologies that enable the creation of open, collaborative, and interoperable Industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions.
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Marco Jahn / eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation.
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Craig Frayne / eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation.
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Martin Jürgens / Infohub
Apache License 2.0Information Hub provides an API for query, import and export of Trust Services data.
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Martin Jürgens / policy
Apache License 2.0Policy service exposes policy evaluation endpoints via HTTP API.
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Maksim Gorelik / signer
Apache License 2.0Signer service creates and verifies proofs for verifiable credentials and presentations.
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Rosaria Rossini / eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse Foundation provides our global community of individuals and organizations with a mature, scalable, and business-friendly environment for open source software collaboration and innovation.
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Olivier Goulet / edgenative.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0To deliver production-ready platforms for the development, operation, and management of edge native applications deployed to heterogeneous environments where computational power and data storage are physically distributed wherever they are needed.
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Marc Nuri / ecdtools.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Eclipse Cloud Development Tools Working Group drives the evolution and broad adoption of de facto standards for cloud development tools, including language support, extensions, and developer workspace definition
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / orcwg.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Service account definition for jamstack