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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / membership.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0Supported by our member organizations, the Eclipse Foundation provides our community with Intellectual Property, Mentorship, Marketing, Event and IT Services.
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Eclipse Projects / Eclipse TRACE4CPS / trace4cps
Eclipse Public License 2.0Trace4cps project
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Webdev / hugo-solstice-theme
Eclipse Public License 2.0Eclipse Foundation Solstice Theme for Hugo!
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Eclipse Projects / subversive / Subversive
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Titan / titan.ApplicationLibraries.MQTT
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Titan / titan.Applications.IoT_Loadtest_Framework
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
OpenEmbedded layer for building OpenHarmony images and components.
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Eclipse Projects / xfsc / AuthenticationAuthorization
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Titan / titan.Libraries.Web_GUI
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
The Target Management project creates data models and frameworks to configure and manage remote systems (from mainframe to embedded), their connections, and their services.
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Eclipse Projects / papyrus / org.eclipse.papyrus-domainservices
Eclipse Public License 2.0Papyrus Shared Services for model edition.
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Eclipse Projects / objectteams / Objectteams
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / iot.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0Eclipse IoT provides the technology needed to build IoT Devices, Gateways, and Cloud Platforms.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / osgi.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The Dynamic Module System for Java™
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Christopher Guindon / ospo.zone
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated