- Issue Jakarta EE Platform TCK CI is getting JNLP OOM (-Xmx256m JNLP Java memory setting may be too low). 2 of 8 checklist items completed
- Issue SWT build job win32 step fails with "Unexpected termination of the channel" 2 of 8 checklist items completed
- Issue [Epsilon] Modeling project build utilities to be deleted from Jenkins? 2 of 8 checklist items completed
- Issue Oomph build job https://ci.eclipse.org/oomph/job/build/job/master/ often fails 2 of 8 checklist items completed
- Issue SWT native builds often blocked by aggregation-build test execution 2 of 8 checklist items completed
- Issue jgit-publish-site job cannot deploy to project storage anymore 2 of 8 checklist items completed