CBI still alive? / Include Windows exe signer in build pipeline?
Our users need a signed exe installer for the aspect model editor, see https://github.com/eclipse-esmf/esmf-aspect-model-editor/releases (our project is ESMF https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/dt.esmf ). We have found the Eclipse Common Build Infrastructure (CBI) and its "Signing and Packaging Web Services" https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.cbi as well as a maven plugin https://www.eclipse.org/cbi/sitedocs/index.html . How can we include this in our build pipeline / github actions? Is this service even still in operation? (Last build 2018, the operating systems and their administration may have changed since then?)
https://www.eclipse.org/forums/index.php/t/1105100/ suggests it's dead. Do you have any information about this? If it is indead dead, which way can you recommend us to have our exe installed as a Eclipse Foundation project on github ?
Thanks a lot for letting us know.
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Many users cannot install the provided software since they are either in a restricted corporate environment that prohibits installation or they do not trust an unsigned installer