Use ESCET logo in relevant places
We're close to having a logo in #777 (closed). Once we have it, we should use it in the appropriate places. For now, I foresee the following places:
ESCET website (!838 (merged)) - ESCET logo on ESCET home page.
- ESCET favicon for the ESCET static website pages (the yellow pages), like already there for CIF, etc.
- ESCET favicon for the ESCET general toolkit documentation and the development documentation, like already there for other docsets.
- Add icons in the site selector dropdown (the one from the top bar, on the very left enty of that bar, to select different websites ESCET/CIF/etc).
ESCET IDE (!840 (merged)) - Change the splash screen image.
- Change the about screen image.
- Change the welcome screen image.
- Change the icon of the ESCET perspective.
- Change the 'feature image'.
- Change the 'window images'.
- Add an executable icon (for Windows). We currently don't have one yet, and thus get the generic Eclipse icon.
Project website / PMI
Edited by Dennis Hendriks