Decide on a logo for Eclipse ESCET
When we created Eclipse ESCET and were preparing the initial contribution, we also looked into a logo for Eclipse ESCET as a project. We had a professional designer (we knew here via one of the people involved in preparing the initial contribution) make a few first sketches for us. This resulted in 5 potential ideas for a logo. Some responses were given, preferences indicated, but somehow this stopped then. Probably we were too busy with other things.
I still think the project needs a logo. It helps in branding for recognition.
The goal of this issue is to discuss potential logos, and decide on one. It is not a goal of this issue to apply it everywhere that it could be applied in the codebase. I propose to do that in a follow-up issue, once we have the logo. It is a goal of this issue to decide on the logo, fully design it, and store it in the repo.
The logo ideas from 2019
The designer made the following logos (with the description we got with them, translated as directly as possible from Dutch to English):
- "simple logo with only the C the eclipse symbol with a sort of arrow to toolbox"
- "here you see a man with an eye (supervisor)
- "a big eye (supervisor), and of course the eclipse symbol incorporated into it"
- "a man embracing ESCET (the supervisor)"
- "a toolbox"
They are worked out from the following sketches:
Some of the feedback we got from various people involved at that time (translated again from Dutch to English), although I'm not so sure it is all relevant:
- Person 1: Referring to logo 2: "I like this one."
- Person 2: Referring to logo 1: "I like the above left one: would consider letting both points of the C go more towards the upper and lower side of the T. Then you get there also the image of an eye.". Referring to logo 3: "I like the upper right one as well. Maybe the letters ESCET could be made a bit thicker? They are very narrow."
- Person 3: Referring to logo 1: "Somewhat nice, but not sure about hole/arrow.". Referring to logo 2: "Reasonable. But to narrow.". Referring to logo 3: "Boring. Mwoh". Referring to logo 4: "Looks like an alien. Mwoh.". Referring to logo 5: "nice idea". Also added an idea to combine logos 1 and 5: "front of the toolbox from 5 in a black rectangle like in 1?".
- Person 4: "My heat beats the most with design 1. Simple and powerful, with the Eclipse C and the breakline at the end, end also an explanation that the break points to the toolbox."
- Person 5: "I like number five at bottom right the most, as it is almost a real toolbox. Het would be a real toolbox if it were a bit less deep: the diagonal side where the 5 is indicated could be what shorter, I think. In the current form I find the logo to massive." "My second choice is number 1 at the top left. The C in the shape of the moon is beautiful, but I find the break between the E and T less nice. I could imagine that I would like it more if the E and the T were connected together."
- Person 6: "I'm attracted most to number 1 - I like simple and straight shapes."
- Person 7: "Logo 1 is quite decent. I could image it could be optimized a bit further, for instance removing the space between the E and T or letting the height of the C correspond to the height of the rectangle."
- Person 8: Referring to logo 1: "I like number 1 at the top right the best, Eclipse logos are quite rectangular so fits well. It is together with the toolbox at the bottom right a logo that feels like a single whole, in my opinion. The 'T' is however now very separate from the rest, and it would be better if both sides where closer together, so with a thin white line. Logo becomes more playful I think if the C is rotated clockwise around the center-point of the outermost circle (a bit less below sticking out at the bottom and more on the top). What could also be done is pulling the "Engineering" E more to the T, such that the 'hole' is next to the yellow part, maybe that gives possibilities, but then maybe the C disappears a bit. Eclipse itself also doesn't use the moon as a letter.". Referring to logo 3: "My second one is number 3, above right, but it is less a whole, the black block is too dominant.". Referring to logo 5: "I like the toolbox, the dark side is a bit dominant, the letters is what matters. The handles contain too much detail maybe, maybe 1 handle straight up from the middle? With a somewhat lower box the handle also becomes better visible.". Referring to logo 4: "The logo at the bottom left is very high, maybe if you use the yellow bow as a bowl for the letters? I don't associate the software with a man, the ESCET user behind the keyboard is the man, the software is more a hammer and a screwdriver (ie the toolbox).". Referring to logo 2: "The middle one is not recognizable if you don't know it is a man. Without that information it looks like the letters and some arbitrary lines through the letters. Would be better if the lines had a different color, but the lines and letters have little interaction with each other."
- Person 9: Referring to logos 1 and 3: "Logos 1 and 3 split off the T from the rest. I don't get it.". Referring to logos 1 and 5: "In logo 5 (and logo 1) the C is central and I don't think that is justified. I think the brackets should be as follows: E(((SC)E)T).". Referring to logos 2 and 4: "Therefore I have a preference for logo 2 or 4. I understand the depiction of logo 2 better than that of logo 4, although I wouldn't cross out ESCET (with the arms of the man/woman). Maybe place it higher through ESCET?"
Looking at it again, I don't really like any of these logos anymore. I'm going to veto 2, 3 and 4. Logos 1 and 5 have some potential though.
New ideas for logos
I've thought about the logos again a bit lately:
- I came up with some keywords that relate to Eclipse ESCET, and that could be incorporated in the logo, or could inspire it: synthesis, supervisor, coordinator, controller, correct-by-construction, efficient/speed, high-quality, engineering, automation, toolkit, tools, project.
- I have a strong preference for a modern, professional looking logo, that is simple and without too much frills.
- Ideally, the logo works well also at smaller scales. For instance, as an icon. Even at 16x16 pixels.
- I looked a bit on the Internet, and I made some things myself. I made variations on some of the designs from 2019, and made some new ones as well.
- I'm not sure I reached the best result yet, but I hope they can serve as inspiration, and help to start the discussion/search.
I came to the following so far:
- Variations of logo 1 from 2019
The problem is that they are not square, so difficult to use as an icon.
- Variations of logo 5 from 2019
Most of them feel too complex to me.
- I tried to make some simpler, modern icons/logos:
I think this is more going in the right direction. A square logo, with 'Eclipse ESCET' besides it to form the logo.
- Some random ideas for just the name with some edited 'E' and 'S' characters.
Not really nice as a logo, I think.
- Some random ideas around the project (yellow) being a combination of Chi, CIF and ToolDef (with their respective website colors):
Probably all a bit too abstract.
- Some even more wild ideas:
Not really sure about these.
- Some ideas around speed/efficiency:
Not really sure about these.
- And some final other random ideas:
Let me know what you think. Are there ones that you like? Do you have better ideas?