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add some tests for Tensor addition operator and subtraction operator

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@@ -193,4 +193,100 @@ TEST_CASE("Test division of Tensors","[TensorImpl][Div]") {
Tensor T3(T1.dims());
TEST_CASE("Tensor arithmetic operators", "[Tensor][Operator][CPU]") {
SECTION("Addition") {
const Tensor t = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{1,2,3,4,5};
const Tensor t2 = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{10,20,30,40,50};
const Tensor t3 = Tensor(std::int32_t(3));
SECTION("operator+") {
auto a = t.clone();
auto b = t2.clone();
auto c = t3.clone();
// simple addition
auto r1 = a + b;
const Tensor expected_res_simple = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{11,22,33,44,55};
// input tensors are not modified
REQUIRE(a == t);
REQUIRE(b == t2);
// result is right
REQUIRE(r1 == expected_res_simple);
// simple addition of arithmetic value
auto r2 = a + 10;
const Tensor expected_res_simple_arithmetic = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{11,12,13,14,15};
// input tensors are not modified
REQUIRE(a == t);
// result is right
REQUIRE(r2 == expected_res_simple_arithmetic);
// chained addition a+b+c
auto r3 = a + b + c;
const Tensor expected_res_chained = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{14,25,36,47,58};
// input Tensors are not modified
REQUIRE(a == t);
REQUIRE(b == t2);
REQUIRE(c == t3);
// result is right
REQUIRE(r3 == expected_res_chained);
SECTION("operator+=") {
auto a = t.clone();
auto b = t2.clone();
a += b;
const Tensor expected_res = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{11,22,33,44,55};
// input tensors are not modified
REQUIRE(b == t2);
// result is right
REQUIRE(a == expected_res);
// simple addition of arithmetic value
a = t.clone();
a += 10;
const Tensor expected_res_arithmetic = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{11,12,13,14,15};
// result is right
REQUIRE(a == expected_res_arithmetic);
SECTION("Substraction") {
const Tensor t = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{1,2,3,4,5};
const Tensor t2 = Tensor(std::int32_t(3));
SECTION("operator-") {
auto a = t.clone();
auto b = t2.clone();
// simple substraction
auto r1 = a - b;
const Tensor expected_res_simple = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{-2,-1,0,1,2};
// input tensors are not modified
REQUIRE(a == t);
REQUIRE(b == t2);
// result is right
REQUIRE(r1 == expected_res_simple);
SECTION("operator-=") {
auto a = t.clone();
auto b = t2.clone();
a -= b;
const Tensor expected_res = Array1D<std::int32_t, 5>{-2,-1,0,1,2};
// input tensors are not modified
REQUIRE(b == t2);
// result is right
REQUIRE(a == expected_res);
} // namespace Aidge