Deploy in k8s
- Configure the K8s cluster.
- Either request the kubeconfig file to or create your own, build your own images and push to a registry
- Adapt the values.yaml to update the images and secrets to pull them
- Create the required NS and secrets
kubectl create ns hdar
kubectl create secret docker-registry nexussecretnephele --docker-server= --docker-username=REPLACE --docker-password=REPLACE -n hdar
kubectl create secret docker-registry nexussecretsns --docker-server= --docker-username=REPLACE --docker-password=REPLACE -n hdar
kubectl create secret docker-registry nexussecretetsn --docker-server= --docker-username=REPLACE --docker-password=REPLACE -n hdar
- Install the solution
Install the OCI Registry if not available
# adapt registry/values.yaml
# Assumes hdav installed in the same ns -> else change xnfvapi svc
helm install registry OCI:// --version 1.0.0 -n hdar -f k8s/registry/values.yaml
Install the HDAR Verification Engine
# adapt hdav/values.yaml
helm install hdav OCI:// --version 1.0.0 -n hdar -f k8s/hdav/values.yaml
Install the HDAR API
# adapt hdarapi/values.yaml
helm install hdarapi OCI:// --version 1.0.0 -n hdar -f k8s/hdarapi/values.yaml
Install the dev docs
# adapt dev-env-docs/values.yaml
helm install devdocs OCI:// --version 1.0.0 -n hdar -f k8s/dev-env-docs/values.yaml
Install the gateway
# adapt gateway/values.yaml
helm install gateway OCI:// --version 1.3.0 -n hdar -f k8s/gateway/values.yaml
Note: inside the ARI testbed you have to manually add this to the cert-manager deployment and restart it
kubectl edit deployments.apps -n cert-manager cert-manager
# inside the container spec
- hostnames:
Monitoring stack
Metrics available under the Nephele environment and dashboard is localy available under DevK8s ATOS local Cluster Monitoring stack based on the kube-prometheus-stack as described in the gateway asset
Gateway metrics
Resource metrics