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The Eclipse sim@openPASS platform mainly consists of a GUI and a simulation core interacting with openPASS modules as well as external programs for post-processing. https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.simopenpass
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The CHESS project provides a model-driven, component-based methodology and tool support for the development of high-integrity systems for different domains. The methodology is particularly suited for space systems and industrial domains.
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The Eclipse sim@openPASS platform mainly consists of a GUI and a simulation core interacting with openPASS modules as well as external programs for post-processing. https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.simopenpass
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Eclipse OpenCert is a customizable assurance tool environment (safety, security, privacy etc.) integrated into existing manufacturers’ development and assurance processes and tooling.
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The Eclipse sim@openPASS platform mainly consists of a GUI and a simulation core interacting with openPASS modules as well as external programs for post-processing. https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.simopenpass
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The Eclipse sim@openPASS platform mainly consists of a GUI and a simulation core interacting with openPASS modules as well as external programs for post-processing. https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.simopenpass
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The Eclipse sim@openPASS platform mainly consists of a GUI and a simulation core interacting with openPASS modules as well as external programs for post-processing. https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.simopenpass
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The CHESS project provides a model-driven, component-based methodology and tool support for the development of high-integrity systems for different domains. The methodology is particularly suited for space systems and industrial domains.
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The site provides date, time and place for the various events (conferences, demo camps, special days, hackathons and trainings) for the Eclipse ecosystem, displayed on a convenient map of the world.
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Planet Eclipse is a window into the world, work and lives of Eclipse hackers and contributors.
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Planet Eclipse is a window into the world, work and lives of Eclipse hackers and contributors.
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The source of the asciidoc.org site, the entry point into the AsciiDoc ecosystem.