Explore projects
Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Oniro Compliance Toolchain / Third-party / mirrors / Leda
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Miro Spönemann / planeteclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0Planet Eclipse is a window into the world, work and lives of Eclipse hackers and contributors.
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Manuel Heß / signer
Apache License 2.0Signer service creates and verifies proofs for verifiable credentials and presentations.
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Mihir Mehta / eclipse-graphene
Apache License 2.0Graphene installation and maintenance scripts
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Eclipse Projects / Eclipse openK Core Modules / org.eclipse.openk-coremodules.authandauth
Eclipse Public License 1.0Updated -
Elmar Schug / OtterDog
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Martin Jürgens / Proof Manager
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Martin Jürgens / Principal Manager
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Martin Jürgens / Connection Manager
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Martin Jürgens / Attestation Manager
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Martin Jürgens / Ssi Abstraction
Apache License 2.0Updated