Explore projects
Eclipse Projects / papyrus / org.eclipse.papyrus-web
Eclipse Public License 2.0Papyrus for web-browser
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Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Graphene / portal-marketplace
Apache License 2.0Graphene Web-UI frontend and backend
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Edo Mangelaars / trace4cps-thesis
Eclipse Public License 2.0Fork of Eclipse TRACE4CPS™ to work on enhancements of the runtime verification features for my Master's thesis.
⚠ ️ Changes are in the thesis branch!UpdatedUpdated -
Eclipse Projects / Eclipse TRACE4CPS / trace4cps
Eclipse Public License 2.0Trace4cps project
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Eclipse Projects / Eclipse openK User Modules / org.eclipse.openk-usermodules.statementPublicAffairs.backend
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Jan Schatt / org.eclipse.openk-usermodules.statementPublicAffairs.backend
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / papyrus / org.eclipse.papyrus-desktop
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Titan / Titan Language Server
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Foundation / IT / APIs / Eclipse Foundation ECA Expiration API
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Filippo Leonardi / lsat
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / xfsc / Notarization / Notarization Service
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Fabian Bayerlein / MDM at MTU
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / MDMBL / org.eclipse.mdm
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -