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Gert-Jan van den Braak / lsat
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / teneo / Org.Eclipse.Emf.Teneo
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Nuriddin Adilov / gt-gen-core
Eclipse Public License 2.0GT-Gen Core library which accepts ScenarioEngine, Environment and simulation parameters and enables the integrator to execute the simulation.
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Eclipse Projects / Eclipse Signalling Engineering Toolbox / Toolbox model
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Nils Peters / Toolbox model
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Nikolla Gjeci / gt-gen-core
Eclipse Public License 2.0GT-Gen Core library which accepts ScenarioEngine, Environment and simulation parameters and enables the integrator to execute the simulation.
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Filippo Leonardi / lsat
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Frederic Gurr / gt-gen-core
Eclipse Public License 2.0GT-Gen Core library which accepts ScenarioEngine, Environment and simulation parameters and enables the integrator to execute the simulation.
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Ziqi Zhou / gt-gen-simulator
Eclipse Public License 2.0A standalone simulator which can be used to run an OpenScenario based simulation.
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Ngoc Quang Truong / Toolbox model
Eclipse Public License 2.0Updated -
Ziqi Zhou / gt-gen-core
Eclipse Public License 2.0GT-Gen Core library which accepts ScenarioEngine, Environment and simulation parameters and enables the integrator to execute the simulation.
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Luis Gressenbuch / gt-gen-core
Eclipse Public License 2.0GT-Gen Core library which accepts ScenarioEngine, Environment and simulation parameters and enables the integrator to execute the simulation.
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Dominik Jantschar / gt-gen-core
Eclipse Public License 2.0GT-Gen Core library which accepts ScenarioEngine, Environment and simulation parameters and enables the integrator to execute the simulation.
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Eclipse Projects / papyrus / org.eclipse.papyrus-marte
Eclipse Public License 1.0Updated