In addition to our branding colours, the 2 big columns in the centre are:
The size of the big orange numbers is 150px, Roboto regular, with 15% opacity black shadow
I have enclosed the HTML, CSS also just in case! Thought it might be helpful for spacing, margin, and padding.
Also, the top orange bar has a hover-over effect. please find the screenshot below.
Let me know if you need more information.
As always thanks for your support,
We may need a mockup for the sticky menu on mobile screens. Currently it looks like this on iPhone SE:
I'm thinking we can make the expanded gray part be full width beneath the orange number row.
The background color of the section content turns orange on hover. Our links don't contrast with this background.
Is there any colors you can suggest for the links (visited color, and normal color)?
Hi @oliviergoulet, Good suggestion yes for the mobile view we do not need to go with this triangle shape. instead, we go with a full-screen grey box. As for colour contrast, please make the fonts black on rollover. Let me know if you want me to make a mockup for this.
Thanks for your help!
Sorry for the delay. I have followed up on the missing quote, but here are some additional edits:
Can we bump up the size of "Eclipse Foundation Members Have Easy Access to a “Foundation in a Box”" so it's the same as the H2 at the bottom of the page ("Jumpstart Open Source Innovation at the Eclipse Foundation")
Link missing from "Working groups at the Eclipse Foundation receive services and benefits that allow them to openly collaborate and innovate"
Remove "Here’s a closer look at why a working group is a great alternative to a traditional association." from the black section, and replace "Here’s a closer look at why that is:" in just below with "Here’s a closer look at why a working group is a great alternative to a traditional association"
Remove the bold from the paragraphs in sections 1-5 (whole paragraphs look bold right now)
Please remove the leading quotation mark from the quotes, as he orange quote image acts as the opening quotation mark
Can we change the styling of links like "The Oniro Working Group" (section 2 and 5) so they look like links before hovering? @mkokabi suggestions?
Leave the quote on the right bold, but unbold the attributions (ex "Davide Ricci, Director of Consumer Business Group European Open Source Technology Center, Huawei")
Are the logos in Section 2 pulling from the member database or hard coded? Just wondering about the maintenance
I started to make these changes. I will ping you back when they are all completed.
Answer to the logo question:
Yes, they are hard-coded but if we have a database with these orgs then I will try to update it to use that instead.
edit: My thought process was that it should be hard-coded in case some member gets removed from the API for whatever reason. What I can do instead is fetch from the API but if the member isn't found there, we'll use the hard-coded logo as a fallback.
The changes look good. We are just waiting on the quote. If we don't get the quote by the end of Nov, we will remove the quote block from that section and publish the page without it.