If your project leverages build technology that pulls third-party content from well-defined software repositories (e.g., Apache Maven pulling from Maven Central, a yarn.lock
or package-lock.json
file), consider using the Eclipse Dash License Tool to automatically create IPLab issues for you.
Note that the Eclipse Dash License Tool is only capable of creating issues for content that it either discovers from your build or that you feed to it. It will not, for example, find third-party content that is buried in your code. If you’ve, for example, added some JavaScript library in a |
If you cannot use the Eclipse Dash License Tool, you can manually create a request:
Create a request to review Project Content; or
Create a request to review Third-party content
Project Content is any content that will be maintained by the project team. Basically anything that a contributor or committer will put into a project’s source code repository (generally in source form) is project content. This includes content that the project team forks (the premise being that forked content effectively becomes indistinguishable, at least conceptually, from project content).
Note our careful use of the term content. This includes source code, documentation, configuration, etc.
Third-party Content is defined as content that is leveraged or otherwise referenced by project code. Third-party content is typically (although not necessarily) acquired from software repositories (e.g., Maven Central or NPMJS) during builds.
When creating a review request issue, please provide as much information as you can. If information is missing, or you are not certain how information should be provided, provide what you can and the IP Team will work with you to sort it out.
GitLab issue uses markdown, so use Markdown syntax when specifying information. Our scanners parse information out of the issue description, and so are most likely to be successful (and require less time-consuming manual intervention) if you stick to the format specified.
Set the title to a valid ClearlyDefined id
Set the title of the issue to the ClearlyDefined id, type/source/namespace/name/version
for the content. If you’re not sure, do your best and the IP Team will assist.
e.g., maven/mavencentral/org.apache.maven.enforcer/enforcer-api/3.1.0
Issues that have a valid ClearlyDefined identifier for a title and source pointer (see below) will be automatically processed and so will likely be resolved quickly.
Identify the Eclipse open source project
We need you to identify the Eclipse open source project that is accepting this contribution. Note that we need you to specify an Eclipse open source project, not a GitLab or GitHub project (provide that in the Git repository field).
In the template replace <project name> with the name of your Eclipse project (e.g., Eclipse Dash) and <project id> with the project’s id (e.g., technology.dash):
Project: [Eclipse Dash](https://projects.eclipse.org/projects/technology.dash)
Provide Basic Information
In the Basic Information section, provide as much information as you can, including the license of the content as you understand it as an SPDX identifier (https://spdx.org/licenses/), and URLs that points to the binary and sources of the content.
Provide a Pointer to Source
The Source field is the important one. The scanner looks for content of the form:
We need pointers to specific versions of content, ideally in an archive format (e.g. ZIP file). That is, please do not provide a pointer to a repository on GitHub; rather, provide a pointer to a specific downloadable ZIP archive associated with the particular release.
For example:
NOTE that we need to have a source pointer. If you cannot (or do not) provide it, processing will be delayed while we hunt it down.