Eclipse EBR restructuring and Termination review
The EMO is using this issue to track the progress of a project restructuring and termination review.
Eclipse Orbit restructuring review & EBR Termination review PMI record:
After discussion with EMO and the Eclipse Orbit project this review will combine a restructuring review that moves the resources for EBR to Eclipse Orbit and a termination review for EBR. Orbit would like to continue using the EBR Maven plug-in.
When EBR was created many years ago there was a huge demand for OSGi bundles. The EBR project came up with a solution to make Maven artifacts easily consumable from p2-enabled OSGi applications. However, it never really fulfilled the role of becoming a rich source for recipes. Today the primary customer of EBR is Orbit and Eclipse (via Orbit).
Project: Eclipse Bundle Recipes Restructuring and Termination Review
Restructuring checklist (for Orbit)
EMO(ED) approval -
Email sent to the community using MLs and other communication channels (TBD by the project team)
Pre-Termination Review Checklist
To be completed by the EMO
PMC has been notified -
Project team has been notified via dev-list -
Project team has been notified via email
Post-Termination Checklist
To be completed by EMO
Retire committers and project leads relationships (PMI) -
Retire Mentor relationships (Database) -
Archive the project (PMI) -
Archive the project (Database)
To be completed by Webmaster
Website -
Git repositories -
Mailing list -
Forum -
Bugzilla product
Your comments, feedback, and pushback are welcome.