Prioritized labels 5
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EDPInitial Contribution
Eclipse Foundation / EMO Team / EMO
Project needs to push their IC to the requested repositories
Eclipse Foundation / EMO Team / EMO
The project proposal is open for community review
Eclipse Foundation / EMO Team / EMO
The IC has been approved by the IP team and the project is now fully operational
Other labels 149
Eclipse Foundation / EMO Team / EMO
Used for issues migrated from the old bugzilla instance.
Creation Review needed
Eclipse Foundation / EMO Team / EMO
A creation review needs to be scheduled for this project proposal
Domain transfer agreement
Eclipse Foundation / EMO Team / EMO
The project team needs to provide the domain transfer agreement signed to the trademark team
EMO ready
Eclipse Foundation / EMO Team / EMO
EMO has completed the review and made comments and suggestions that need to be addressed by the project (if any)
EMO team
Eclipse Foundation / EMO Team / EMO
Tasks that are meant to be completed by members of the EMO team internally.