Jakarta Commons
The EMO is using this issue to track the progress of project creation. Help regarding the process can be found in the Eclipse Foundation Project Handbook.
Project proposal: Jakarta Commons
Basic Information
- License: Apache 2.0
Pre-creation Checklist
To be completed by the EMO
- Project scope is well-defined
- Top-level Project selected
- PMC accepts the project (PMC has replied with +1)
- License(s) approved
- Project name trademark approved. Trademark transfer agreement available here in case you need it.
- Project lead(s) identified
- Committers identified
- Committers have Eclipse Foundation Accounts
- Eclipse Architecture Council mentor identified
- Two weeks of community review completed
Project resources to be created
Project Lead involvement needed
The project lead has confirmed the following project resources are correct in the comment's section
The project lead has requested a project website repository in the comments
Project repository: https://github.com/eclipse-ee4j/jakartacommons
Project mailing list: https://accounts.eclipse.org/mailing-list/jakartacommons-dev
Post-creation Checklist
To be completed by the EMO
- Project created
- Project provisioned (including at least one committer)
- Project lead(s) designated
- Architecture Council mentor designated
- Initial Contribution submitted for review by the IP Team
- Committer orientation completed
Approximately three months after successful completion of this creation review, the EMO will initiate a progress review.