Eclipse SystemFOCUS Termination Review
The EMO is using this issue to track the progress of a project termination review.
We have cited lack of development activity as the reason for the termination. Project leads and committers can add more to the review documentation if desired.
The purpose of a Termination Review is to provide a final opportunity for the Committers and/or Eclipse Membership at Large to discuss the proposed archiving of a Project. The desired outcome is to find sufficient evidence of renewed interest and resources in keeping the Project active.
Project: Eclipse SystemFOCUS
Termination Review:
Termination Review Checklist
To be completed by the EMO
- PMC has been notified
Following termination, we'll need to shutdown/archive:
- Website
- Git repositories
- Mailing list
- Forum
- Bugzilla product
- Retire committers, project leads, and mentors relationships
Your comments, feedback, and pushback are welcome.