The EMO is using this issue to track the progress of project creation. Help regarding the process can be found in the Eclipse Foundation Project Handbook.
This being a specification project that will operate under the purview of the Jakarta EE Working Group, the Steering Committee must agree to the choice of patent license, and a Specification Committee ballot to approve the project creation must run for at least one week. The default patent license for the Jakarta EE Working Group is the Implementation Patent License, so their approval is required to proceed under the Compatible Patent License.
Patent license selection confirmed Jakarta EE Working Group Steering Committee has voted on and agrees to the exceptional use of the Compatible Patent License
@mdelgado624 Thanks for starting the review process.
I'm wondering if it makes sense to rename the project to make its parallelism to JAX-RS more obvious and eliminate potential trademark issues around gRPC. Looking at proposed repo name (, it does seem a bit too "top-level" and implies this is another flavor of gRPP, when it is nothing of the sort.
@aseovic I think you have a point there. If you agree, I'll rename the proposal and the issue name accordingly: Jakarta JAX-RPC. Otherwise we can keep the name, and if there are any trademark issues we'll change it.
@shmacdonald please initiate trademark search for this project.
FYI, I believe that JAX is claimed as a trademark by our friends at Oracle and that we should not use it in the project name, id, or in any URL associated with the project.
If JAX-RPC is a non-starter, my preference is to keep it as is (Jakarta gRPC), but in a likely case that we cannot use gRPC either because it's CNCF trademark, I'm fine with Jakarta RPC.
It may actually be better, because it doesn't necessarily tie us to gRPC as a transport ( may be another option), although it will likely make the spec more difficult to define and to ensure that gRPC implementation details and assumptions do not leak through (not necessarily a bad thing...)
That would be in line with the full name of JAX-RS (which is Java API for RESTful Web Services, iirc) and would make it clear we are doing this explicitly for gRPC, which after some further thought is probably what we should focus on, instead of trying to make it more generic and support other RPC frameworks.
There also seem to be some objections to Jakarta RPC on the Jakarta EE Spec mailing list, because I guess at some point there was a project called JAX-RPC, and people think not calling out gRPC explicitly would confuse the matter.
I was chatting to someone yesterday about this who was unfamiliar with it and I had to distinguish it from XML-RPC. I was also wondering why the string jRPC has not appeared already. I think this project might benefit from 'claiming' jRPC as a term that people associate with it (even though there is some existing stale Java RPC related personal projects using that already.
This being a specification project that will operate under the purview of the Jakarta EE Working Group, the Steering Committee must agree to the choice of patent license, and a Specification Committee ballot to approve the project creation must run for at least two weeks one week. The default patent license for the Jakarta EE Working Group is the Implementation Patent License, so their approval is required to proceed under the Compatible Patent License.
@mdelgado624 I'll connect with the steering committee to request that they run a vote to approve the exception. Once we have that approval, we'll initiate the ballot with the specification committee (I'll give the specification committee a heads-up as well). We're going to have push the creation review date back by at least two weeks (we'll adjust this based on the response from the steering committee)
The steering committee didn't approve the exception. Can you please change the project patent license to IPL and continue with the project creation process?
@wbeaton I seem to recall that when I checked earlier in the week, the project proposal listed CPL as the patent option, I see that is now IPL so the Spec Committee ballot can proceed. I will include that in the agenda for next weeks Spec Committee call.
Maria Teresa Delgadomarked the checklist item Two weeks of community review completed as completed
marked the checklist item Two weeks of community review completed as completed
Maria Teresa Delgadomarked the checklist item Specification Committee ballot initiated as completed
marked the checklist item Specification Committee ballot initiated as completed
Maria Teresa Delgadomarked the checklist item Specification Committee ballot concluded successfully as completed
marked the checklist item Specification Committee ballot concluded successfully as completed
The project provisioning process is complete! Here you will find all of the
information regarding resources allocated to your project:
Source Code Management:
A new repository has been created at Github for your project: . Committers that have added their Github ID to their accounts will start receiving invites to join the RCP Github team shortly.
Sorry, I've been quite busy, and probably will be for the next few months, until our June release, but I'd like to start making some progress here.
What is the next step? I can see the repo's been created, but I don't have commit rights for it.
I can probably carve out some time to submit initial contribution by mid-May, and I know there were a few more contributors that wanted to join the spec that I wasn't able to add to the original proposal. If you can help me with that, that would be great.
@aseovic the next step is to submit your initial contribution. There is help in the handbook.
The initial contribution is a snapshot of the existing code base, and should contain only project content. Any project committer can start the initial contribution review process by creating a CQ.