face="'Bitstream Vera',Helvetica,Arial"color="#FFFFFF">How to use Eclispe 4.1 with WTP.</font></td>
<p>There are no zips or repositories produced by this build. The purpose of this build
is simply to test that WTP 3.3 can build and compile against Eclipse 4.1. By design, any code produced would be
equivilent to what is produced when compiled against Eclipse 3.7.
Therefore, there is no need for two sets of WTP binary distribtutions, one compiled with Eclipse 3.7 and one compiled with 4.1.
One binary distribution will do, and that binary distribution can be installed into either Eclipse 3.7
or Eclipse 4.1. For Indigo, our official binary distribution will be that one produced when compiling against Eclipse 3.7.</p>
<p>To run and test WTP 3.3 with Eclipse 4.1, simply start with Eclipse 4.1 SDK, unzipped.
Then, install our normal prereqs into it -- EMF and XSD, GEF, DTP, and, optionally Unit Tests Framework -- either as listed above, or from the same download page
you get WTP 3.3 from. Then, into that 4.1 based install, add a WTP 3.3 build distribution obtained from one of the
WTP download pages, where WTP was compiled against 3.7. It sounds more complicated than it is ...
it is the same as you'd normally do for WTP, but you just start with a different Eclipse SDK.