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Andreas Rauschert's avatar
Andreas Rauschert authored
feat!: Extend IVehicle with steering wheel angle

See merge request !182


A collection of interfaces for abstraction between a scenario engine and an environment simulator. It is intended to be usable with a wide variety of scenario description languages by implementing according scenario engines.

❗️ This is currently work in progress and no stable state is reached yet.


In order to build this project please consider the following sections.

The used configuration for all setups is Debug. For release builds change the configuration to Release.

Ubuntu native or wsl2 (preferred)

  1. ⚙️ Install requirements

    sudo apt-get -y update && sudo apt-get -y install \
      build-essential \
      cmake \
      doxygen \
      graphviz \
      ninja-build \
  2. 🛠️ Configure, build, and install

    cd <path/to/mantle_api>
    cmake -B build -GNinja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/install
    cmake --build build
    cmake --install build
  3. 📄 Build docs

    cd <path/to/mantle_api>
    cmake --build build --target MantleAPI_doc
    cat <path/to/mantle_api>/build/doc/html/index.html
  4. 🧪 Run tests

    cd <path/to/mantle_api>/build
    ctest --stop-on-failure

    CTest runs the tests from both build targets: CommonTest and MantleAPITest.

Windows mingw with cmake

This section introduces a step by step guide to install the requirements to build this API with mingw tooling.


Build via cmake (on a mingw console):

  1. Go to the project dir: cd <project_dir>
  2. Build via cmake:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -G "Ninja" ..
  3. Test the API
    cd <path_to_mantle_api>/build/test
  4. Build Doc:
    cd <path_to_mantle_api>/build
    cmake --build . --target MantleAPI_doc

Windows native with cmake

This section introduces a step by step guide to install the requirements to build this API with native tooling.


Add doxygen, graphiz, and cmake to at least the current users PATH variable.

  1. Configure:

    cmake.exe --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\Llvm\bin\clang.exe" "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\Llvm\bin\clang.exe" -S<path_to_mantle_api> -B<path_to_mantle_api>/build -G Ninja
  2. Build:

    cmake.exe --build <path_to_mantle_api>/build --config Debug --target all --
  3. Run Tests:

    Common Test:

    $> ."<path_to_mantle_api>/build/CommonTest.exe"
    Running main() from

    Mantle API Test:

    $> ."<path_to_mantle_api>/build/MantleAPITest.exe"
    Running main() from
  4. Build Doc:

    cmake.exe --build <path_to_mantle_api>/build --config Debug --target MantleAPI_doc --

    The generated html doc is located here: <path_to_mantle_api>/build/doc/html/index.html

Usage in your own project with cmake

  1. Adding it to your own CMakeLists.txt similar to:

    #  add mantle to your application
    find_package(MantleAPI REQUIRED)
    add_executable(MyAppUsingMantle main.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(MyAppUsingMantle MantleAPI::MantleAPI)
    # add mocks for testing (see option MantleAPI_INSTALL_MOCKS)
    add_executable(MyAppUsingMantleTest my_app_using_mantle_tests.cpp)
    target_link_libraries(MyAppUsingMantleTest MantleAPI::Mocks)

    For an example of how to integrate testing using googletest, see also test/CMakeLists.txt.

  2. Then make sure that your cmake call finds mantle-api like this:

    cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path_to_mantle_api>

Developer Notes


Versioning follows the semantic versioning pattern MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. Currently this is a manual task that needs to be approved as a part of a code review.

In the following a course guideline is given, when to increment the according fields:


  • Even minor changes to a public header will most likely result in an increase of this number (= breaking change). As this is probably the most common case MAJOR will therefore be incremented relatively frequently compared to other libraries.


  • Increments, if changes are ABI compatible, i.e. independent of the rest of other mantle definitions. It is expected that this does not happen very often at the current state of development.
  • Features related to testing, such as enhancing mocks, adding tests etc.
  • Features related to chore tasks, such as CI scripts, CMake enhancements, formatters, etc.


  • Fixing typos in the documentation (as long as they don't change the semantics of a function call!)
  • Fixing bugs related to testing
  • Fixing bugs related to chore tasks

Third party

Name License Version
CPM MIT 0.40.2
Doxygen Awesome MIT 2.3.1
GoogleTest BSD-3-Clause 1.12.1
Units MIT 2.3.3