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tiff: backport upstream fix for CVE-2022-2867, CVE-2022-2868, CVE-2022-2869

Fixes upstream issue #352 (closed) where a buffer overflow was generated
by an uint underflow in tiffcrop.c computeInputPixelOffsets()
calculating (uint32_t)(0 - 1) around line 5210. In the following
tiffcrop tries to read pixels from the image at an offset far beyond the
The main region checks in computeInputPixelOffsets() are now updated to
avoid uint underflow.
This update fixes also upstream issues #350 (closed) and #351 (closed).
Issue 350 is fixed by checking for not allowed zone input cases like -Z
0:0 in getCropOffsets().
Furthermore upstream issue #335 (moved) (closed) and #336 (closed) (closed) are also
CVE: CVE-2022-2867, CVE-2022-2868, CVE-2022-2869

Signed-off-by: Ghassane Ben El Aattar

Edited by Ghassane Ben El Aattar

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