.gitlab-ci.yml: publish RAUC bundle to HawkBit
The HawkBit instance needs to be configured externally and reachable from the runner performing the publishing step. The location of the instance must be provided through environment variables compatible with hawkbitctl, namely HAWKBIT_{URL,USERNAME,PASSWORD}. HAWKBIT_TENANT is optional and untested.
The bundle is added as an artifact to a new software module named after the bundle, using bundle timestamp as the version. The module is then placed in a distribution named after the image (not the bundle), with the exact same version.
Merge request reports
This has been tested on my fork: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/zyga/oniro/-/jobs/20276
I've force pushed to get that version in here:
Edited by Zygmunt Krynickiadded 5 commits
- cf3c6e0c - .oniro-ci: document usage of CI_ONIRO_JOB_ARTIFACTS
- 1a3fd2fd - .oniro-ci: preserve all properties of copied artifacts
- 5da48bf4 - .oniro-ci: allow symbolic link artifacts
- ee052538 - .gitlab-ci.yml: use explicit dependency on pi4 bundle build job
- 4916112b - .gitlab-ci.yml: publish RAUC bundle to HawkBit
Toggle commit listmentioned in issue #476 (closed)
added 1 commit
- 87b9c539 - .gitlab-ci.yml: publish RAUC bundle to HawkBit
added 1 commit
- 07607ea8 - .gitlab-ci.yml: publish RAUC bundle to HawkBit
added 1 commit
- e27cef10 - .gitlab-ci.yml: publish RAUC bundle to HawkBit
You can see a passing pipeline that I've tested earlier in my local merge request: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/zyga/oniro/-/jobs/20940
added 1 commit
- b3a72b22 - docs: clarify dependencies of the publishing job
enabled an automatic merge when the pipeline for b3a72b22 succeeds