.. SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Huawei Inc.
.. SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0
To create a custom Linux distribution to match the product requirements,
|main_project_name| includes a set of predefined images for developing a product image.
Linux Kernel
The Linux kernel is a free and open-source Unix-like operating system (OS)
kernel that serves as the primary interface between the computer's hardware and its processes.
|main_project_name| supports the following images listed in the table:
.. list-table:: Linux supported images
:header-rows: 1
* - Image Name
- Description
* |main_project_name| image including the base OS software stack.
* This image also includes middleware and application packages to support a wide range of hardware which includes WiFi, Bluetooth, sound, and serial ports.
* |main_project_name| Wayland image including the base OS software stack. This is a Wayland protocol and Weston reference compositor-based image.
* It uses the Wayland protocol and implementation to exchange data with its clients.
* This image provides the Wayland protocol libraries and the reference Weston compositor and includes a Wayland-capable terminal program.
To build a Linux-based image for a supported machine, see :ref:`Linux Kernel Build Flavour <Linux_Kernel>`.
Zephyr Kernel
The Zephyr OS is a well-known security-oriented real-time operating system (RTOS)
that is intended for use on resource-constrained and embedded systems.
For more detailed information on Zephyr OS Kernel, see `Zephyr documentation <>`_.
|main_project_name| supports the following images for the Zephyr OS kernel:
.. list-table:: Zephyr supported images
:header-rows: 1
* - Image Name
- Description
* - zephyr-philosophers
- A sample Zephyr application implementing the Dining Philosophers problem.
To build a Zephyr-based image for a supported machine, see :ref:`Zephyr Kernel Build Flavour <Zephyr_Kernel>`.
FreeRTOS Kernel
The FreeRTOS kernel is a real-time operating system (RTOS) that runs on a variety
of platforms which is used to build microcontroller-based embedded applications.
The standard RTOS kernel binary image ranges from 4000 to 9000 bytes.
|main_project_name| supports the following images for FreeRTOS Kernel:
.. list-table:: FreeRTOS supported images
:header-rows: 1
* - Image Name
- Description
* - freertos-demo
- Machine configuration for running an ARMv5 system on QEMU.
To build a FreeRTOS-based image for a supported machine, see :ref:`FreeRTOS Kernel Build Flavour <FreeRTOS_Kernel>`.