Data-based synthesis should support state/event exclusion plant invariants.
Data synthesis supports state/event exclusion requirement invariants, but not the plant equivalent.
Why do we want this?
Plant invariants are a nice way to model physical interactions between components:
plant def Cylinder():
controllable c_extend, c_retract, c_stop;
location Idle:
initial; marked;
edge c_extend goto Extending;
edge c_retract goto Retracting;
location Extending:
edge c_stop goto Idle;
location Retracting:
edge c_stop goto Idle;
plant def Sensor():
uncontrollable u_on, u_off;
location Off:
initial; marked;
edge u_on goto On;
location On:
initial; marked;
edge u_off goto Off;
Cylinder1 : Cylinder();
SensorExtended : Sensor();
SensorRetracted: Sensor();
plant SensorExtended.u_on needs Cylinder1.Extending;
plant SensorExtended.u_off needs Cylinder1.Retracting;
plant SensorRetracted.u_on needs Cylinder1.Retracting;
plant SensorRetracted.u_off needs Cylinder1.Extending;
How can we do this?
The method convertPlantReqAuts
linearizes the automata. When the edge guards are converted, the plant invariants can be added in the guards of the original/uncontrolled system, no additional/special work is needed. Haven't yet checked which simplification w.r.t. the supervisor should be added.
- It is possible to first do a cif2cif transformation to convert state/event plant invariants to a plant automaton and then do synthesis. Personally, I think we should be able to support these without first doing a conversion.
- We also do not support state plant invariants. However, implementing these might be more involved and should be a separate issue.