Add SBE course to ESCET website (1st version)
For follow-ups, seeBackground
At the TU/e, two bachelor students worked on an SBE course:
- Ilias de Feijter, "One-week SBE course for water locks supervisory control", Bachelor thesis, 2022, Eindhoven University of Technology [info] [pdf]
- Jens Pierssens, "One-week SBE Course - part 2", Bachelor thesis, 2023, Eindhoven University of Technology [info] [pdf]
The course is about SBE in general, with RWS cases as examples. ESCET is used as the toolkit, and CIF as the modeling language. TU/e and RWS want to contribute this course to ESCET. I think this would be a valuable addition for all ESCET users.
The idea is:
- To add the course to the CIF website.
- The course is pure HTML, not AsciiDoc, as it contains interactivity for the assignments (to check the answers etc). There is no plan to change that.
- The course has 6 modules.
- Content-wise, the idea is to do a pass over the content before contributing. Quite some improvements are needed. However, major restructuring of the whole course is not planned, for the first version. We are aiming for 'correct statements' and 'good enough' for this issue. We can of course improve further later on. @ddennis focuses on this.
- The layout, consistency, integration with the CIF website, etc, all need some attention as well. @riklubking did most of the work. @ddennis finished it.
First contribution: (!966 (merged)) - Set up pages, with proper menus, footers, style, etc, but without content.
- Test on a page all types of content, for proper style, syntax highlighting, working quiz questions, etc.
- Home page, introduction of module 1, and module 1.1.
First part of module 1 (modules 1.2 and 1.3). (!970 (merged)) -
Module 1.3 - 4. (!1089 (merged)) -
Module 5 (!1138 (merged)) -
Module 6 (!1155 (closed)) -
Finalize the 1st version (with 5 modules) (!1156 (merged))
Addresses #679
Edited by Dennis Hendriks