Update Oomph setup, configuring new Eclipse and Orbit versions (org.eclipse.escet.setup).
Update dev-env-setup.asciidoc to match new Eclipse version.
Update org.eclipse.platform version for the product feature (org.eclipse.escet.product.feature project).
Update Eclipse and Orbit update site URLs in product (org.eclipse.escet.produc/escet.product).
New development environment
Set up a new development environment.
Commit target platform changes after regenerated by Oomph. I could not do this, I had to update the Batik dependencies first. "Missing requirement: ESCET Chi Runtime (Incubation) 0.2.0.v20210624-134725 (org.eclipse.escet.chi.runtime 0.2.0.v20210624-134725) requires 'osgi.bundle; org.apache.batik.bridge [1.13.0,1.14.0)' but it could not be found"
Check workspace for any errors/warnings and address them if any. Do this after Batik
Check New and Noteworthy (release notes) for changes and adapt as necessary. Do this after Batik
Batik dependencies
Check what version of Batik is provided on the new Orbit version.
Update the version constraints for Batik in the Oomph setup. If the org.eclipse.escet.setup file is meant, it doesn't have the version numbers. Don't think this is necessary.
Update the version constraints for Batik in plug-in manifests.
Resolve errors and warnings
Reperform the Oomph setup.
Check workspace for any errors/warnings and address them if any.
Check New and Noteworthy (release notes) for changes and adapt as necessary.
Java formatter profile
Make a dummy change to the Eclipse ESCET Java formatter profile, and change it back. For me, it wasn't clear where to do this. Is it: Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Formatter -> Eclipse ESCET Profile -> Edit? If I change something there I don't get any diffs. The errors/warnings setting is explained better.
Compare the new configuration against the old configuration, to see if there are any new settings.
In case of new settings, configure them as desired.
Reformat all Java code using the new formatter profile.
Update the formatter profile in the Oomph setup.
Java errors/warnings settings
Check the properties of the org.eclipse.escet.common.java project, under Java Compiler Errors/Warnings.
Make a dummy change and change it back.
In case of changes to *.prefs files in .settings, configure the new settings as desired.
Run misc/java-code-style/copy_here.bash ../../common/org.eclipse.escet.common.java from misc/java-code-style to copy the new settings to the central place.
Run misc/java-code-style/copy_there.bash from misc/java-code-style to copy the new settings to all relevant projects.
Force a rebuild in Eclipse and check for any warnings/errors, addressing them if any.
Thanks for trying it out! Always good to get feedback on such things, as for me many of these things are so trivial by now...
I'll create a new branch based on your merge request, and then make any other changes that I think are needed, and update the instructions based on your feedback in that branch as well.