expired on Feb 17, 2022
- Cross-level contract refinement.
- Support for "timed" time model.
- Improved default user settings.
- Increased tests coverage.
- Used xText editors for textual areas.
- Defined AST for guards/effects on state machines.
- Improved generation and auto-layout of diagrams.
- Created default workspace for V&V analysis.
- Interact with Kratos for formal verification of state machine.
- Improved checker manager.
- Fixed Maven warnings.
All issues for this milestone are closed. You may close this milestone now.
Unstarted Issues (open and unassigned)
Ongoing Issues (open and assigned)
Completed Issues (closed)
- EATA plugins not included in CHESS bundle
- Allow cross-level contract refinement
- Add "timed" time model option
- Improve CHESS.ini
- Add tests related to .oss export of asyn model
- textual editors based on xtext grammars
- Add a new dialog to select multiple files
- Update content.xml
- Add more methods to EntityUtil
- Maven Warning related to 'build.plugins.plugin.version'
- Update releng pom.xml
- Define AST (Abstract Syntaxt Tree) for guards/effects on state machines
- IBD automatically generated without autolayout
- BDD not automatically generated correctly
- issues on Export Feature
- Improve checker manager
- Add default workspace dir
- Interact with Kratos for formal verification of state machines