Feat/operator squeeze unsqueeze
see issue : aidge_core#65 (closed)
✔ Refactored tests for onnx
Test_import_export can now easily run multiple networks -
node register has been completed
✔ replaced all prints by logging
✔ Fixed onnx node opset retrieval
Done in 190c2d9f
Previously the opset of the model was retrieved with model.ir_version, which is .... I do not know what it is but this is named intermediate representation and not opset.
Opsets have to be retrieved via model.opset_import. Its a list [opset] (/protoobject) that contains :
- a domain name
- an associated opset
Each node is attached to a domain name which bind them to a given opset.
This allos to use multiple opsets in a given model.
More on that here : http://onnx.ai/sklearn-onnx/auto_tutorial/plot_cbegin_opset.html
Edited by Grégoire Kubler