J'ai un modèle de taille (1,120,6) en entrée et (1,1) en sortie avec une dizaines de couches et près de 130 000 paramètres que je fais tourner sur jupyter notebook. Lorsque le code arrive à la ligne de forward
# Run inference !scheduler.forward(verbose=True)
le noyau s'arrête et restart.
Lorsque je le fais fonctionner sur linux j'obtiens ça en erreur d'affichage:
It looks like your ONNX contains an operator which is not yet supported by the platform.
Aidge import by default operator as a Generic Operator. A generic operator does not have an implementation and thus cannot run a forward pass.
We cannot help you with the current logs you sent us. Can you please send us the log of the cell where you import the ONNX model ? This will help us to see which operator you are missing.
Unfortunately, due to policy security reasons, we cannot provide specific details about the architecture of our model. However, it predominantly consists of the following operations:
I will just add that we welcome the contributions from outside so if you have time to contribute to the framework by adding the support of MatMul (for ONNX import) and Unsqueeze (Core + backend CPU + ONNX import). I will gladly help you by pointing you to the right ressources and answering your questions !
Cyril Moineauchanged title from Aidge::GenericOperator_Op::outputDimsForwarded() const: Assertion `false && "GenericOperator cannot forward dims"' failed to Missing support of MatMul (for ONNX import) and Unsqueeze (Core + backend CPU + ONNX import)
changed title from Aidge::GenericOperator_Op::outputDimsForwarded() const: Assertion `false && "GenericOperator cannot forward dims"' failed to Missing support of MatMul (for ONNX import) and Unsqueeze (Core + backend CPU + ONNX import)
Hi @malo12ol98 ,
I'm going to start working on the last missing operator (squeeze, unsqueeze #96 (closed))
If the network is publicly available and in order to test the operator I would like to try on the network you are trying to load.
If possible could you send me a link to download it in the issue #96 (closed) ? Thanks in advance and have a nice day!
Hi @gregkub, Thank you for your help.
Unfortunately I cannot send you the actual network for confidential reason.
I could send you a changed version like I did in the comments above.