The [Open VSX Registry]( offers a community driven, fully
open platform for publishing and consuming VS Code extensions. The Registry is
built on [Eclipse Open VSX](, which is an
open source project hosted at the Eclipse Foundation.
Open VSX is integrated into multiple software applications that support VS Code
extensions, including [Eclipse Theia IDE]( There is
strong demand for a fully open alternative to the Visual Studio Marketplace,
and with hundreds of great extensions already available, it is the intent of
the Eclipse Foundation to enable continued and accelerated growth.
## Eclipse Foundation Management
The Open VSX Registry is managed by the Eclipse Foundation's [Open VSX Working Group](
Through this management, all stakeholders can benefit from vendor-neutral, open
source operation and governance.
## What do I need to know as a Consumer of Open VSX?
If you are consuming extensions in applications that use the Open VSX Registry
(e.g. in Gitpod, VSCodium or Eclipse Theia IDE) there will be no usage impact.
You can expect a seamless experience while we work to add more extensions,
raise the visibility of extensions, and increase the number of consumers to
ensure the long-term viability and vibrancy of the registry.
## What do I Need to Know as a Publisher to Open VSX?
All publishers are required to:
- Sign the [Eclipse Foundation Open VSX Publisher Agreement](/legal/documents/eclipse-openvsx-publisher-agreement.pdf); and
- Ensure all extensions are published under a license.
## Why do I need to Sign a Publisher Agreement?
The purpose of the Eclipse Foundation Open VSX Publisher Agreement is to
provide a written record that you have the authority to enter into and agree to
the terms outlined in the agreement to publish extensions under a license to
the Open VSX Registry.
## How Do I Sign the Publisher Agreement?
Publishers can sign the Eclipse Foundation Open VSX Publisher Agreement via
their profile page on Open VSX Registry.
The following steps are required in order to sign the agreement:
- Create an account at []( and include your GitHub username in the account information;
- Log in at []( by authorising the service with your GitHub account;
- Connect Open VSX with your Eclipse account on the [Open VSX account profile]( on "Log in with Eclipse"); and
- Access and sign the *Eclipse Foundation Open VSX Publisher Agreement* from the [Open VSX account profile]( page.
## What Happens if I do not Sign the Publisher Agreement?
If you choose not to sign the Eclipse Foundation Open VSX Publisher Agreement,
you will not be able to publish extensions.
## Do I Need to Sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement in order to Publish Open VSX Extensions?
No, there is no requirement to sign the [Eclipse Contributor Agreement](/legal/ECA.php).
You do, however, need to sign the Eclipse Foundation Open VSX Publisher
## Can I sign the Publisher Agreement on behalf of a Service Account?
Yes, the Publisher Agreement accounts for this. If you are able to sign the
Publisher Agreement based on a service account and related service GitHub ID,
coupled with the ability to enter into the Publisher Agreement (necessary
rights to do so based on the terms of the Publisher Agreement), then you may do
Please note if you wish to publish as an individual at a later time, you will
need to create an individual account against a personal GitHub ID and sign the
Publisher Agreement with that ID as an individual.
## Licensing
### Does my Extension have to be licensed?
Yes, all extensions must be licensed. Your extension's license should be
expressed by including a license expression in the