# programs
Program and project level documentation for all of OpenHW Group's projects including CORE-V RISC-V cores.
### TWG
Technical Working Group meeting minutes and presentations.
### TG
Task Group monthly reports, meeting minutes and presentations. This comprises
#### cores-task-group
#### hw-task-group
#### verification-task-group
Currently the sw-task-grouped is tracked in the core-v-sw repo.
### OpenHW-Project-Descriptions-and-Plans
This contains one directory per OpenHW project. Each directory should contain gate materials for the project (Project Concept, Project Launch, Plan Approve, and Project Freeze)
Readers can use this information to see all OpenHW projects at a glance
### OpenHW-dashboard
This contains a markdown file with project dashboard information for OpenHW. This file is linked from the OpenHW website.
### process
This contains OpenHW process and template documents, such as gate templates and RTL Freeze template.
### Attendance-tracking
This contains attendance tracking for all OpenHW meetings.
## Issues and Troubleshooting
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