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PMP improvement

Eclipse Webmaster requested to merge github/fork/masgia/masgia_pmp into master

Created by: masgia

  • PMPCFG.A=NA4 not allowed
  • access allowed in S/U mode when no PMP is configured (from the specs: if no PMP entry matches an S-mode or U-mode access, but at least one PMP entry is implemented, the access fails)

Note: the new signal between the commit_stage and the csr_registers is necessary to remove the combinatorial loop update_access_exception → csr_regfile_i/csr_exception_o → csr_exception_csr_commit → commit_stage_i/csr_exception_i → commit_stage_i/exception_o → commit_stage_i/csr_wdata_o[4] → csr_wdata_commit_csr[4] → csr_regfile_i/csr_wdata_i[4] → update_access_exception

Merge request reports
