CV32E40Pv2 Verification update Week 16 PR
Created by: dd-BeeNee
This Pull Request contains the work from last week, mainly updates to match RTL tag v1.7.2, as well as enhancements to improve function/code coverages. Contributors are @dd-baoshan
, @dd-BeeNee
, @pascalgouedo
, @YoannPruvost.
Updated code coverage to be in sync with RTL tag v1.7.2, by @dd-BeeNee
Enhanced function coverage, by @dd-baoshan
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Updated stream generator to generate legal imm6 value for SIMD instr:
Updated test settings to improve code coverage, by @pascalgouedo
and assertion correspond to T-head FDIV/FSQRT behavior when waiting from WFI to sleep
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Updated Imperas DV wrap to handle mhpmevents csr, by @YoannPruvost