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first proposal of CV32E40Pv2 ci_check script

Created by: XavierAubert

Here is a first proposal for a ci_check script.

I added all configurations from cv32e40p/tests/cfg, and mixed them a bit depending on what it seems to be relevant for me.

Don't hesitate to tell me if anything's missing/wrong

Some tests are commented because they are not already merged in our working branch (cv32e40p/dev) and it will cause the cv_regress to issue a critical error.

The commands to generate & run the ci_check script will be, for running with vsim and Questa Verification Run Manager with 4 jobs in parallel :

./cv_regress --rmdb --file=cv32e40pv2_ci_check.yaml --simulator=vsim --outfile=cv32e40pv2_ci_check.rmdb --lsf "bsub -K -q 'vanilla'" --check_sim_results
vrun -rmdb cv32e40pv2_ci_check.rmdb -run cv32e40p -j 4 -mintimeout 0:300 -nolocalrerun

To generate a shell script, the command is :

./cv_regress --sh --file=cv32e40pv2_ci_check.yaml --simulator=vsim

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