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Merge x->s

Created by: silabs-robin

This PR merges x->s: "cv32e40x/dev" into "cv32e40s/dev" directly.

There are two parts to this: 1) Automatic git merge (no conflicts), and 2) semi-manually copying relevant files from the x to s directory.

Passes ci_check (except for known issue, debug_test). Formal runs.

(Remaining merges are "s->x", "master->s", and "master->x".)

Just for reference (and fun), here is the automatic part of the "semi-manual" copying

# x2s

## Clean everything
git reset .
git checkout .
git clean -xdff .

## Copy over 40x files to 40s directory
find cv32e40x/ | xargs -n1 dirname | awk '{gsub(/40x/, "40s"); gsub(/40X/, "40S"); print}' | xargs -n2 mkdir -p
find cv32e40x/ | awk '{printf $1; printf " "; gsub(/40x/, "40s"); gsub(/40X/, "40S"); print}' | xargs -n2 cp

## Replace "40x" occurances with "40s"
find cv32e40s/ -type f | xargs -n1 sed -i 's/40x/40s/g'
find cv32e40s/ -type f | xargs -n1 sed -i 's/40X/40S/g'

Merge request reports
