DIDComm Connector
The DIDCommConnector can be used as a Mediator and Connection Management Service by parties who want to set up trust with another party. The DIDCommConnector uses DIDComm v2 and provides a message layer and a management component for the following two use cases:
- Pairing a cloud solution with a smartphone / app solution
- DIDComm v2 based message protocols
Perquisite installations:
- go
- cargo
How to install:
- Execute
go get
in the main directory. - To install all needed dependencies use the
and runmake
For Development (Linux):
- Install air for
make install-air
- Add
export $PATH=PATH:your/path/to/go/bin
to path (~/.bashrc
) oryour/path/to/go/bin
- Build the libs executing
make build-rust
Before you can start the application, an instance of the Universal Resolver should be available and configured. Note: The version of uport/uni-resolver-driver-did-uport must be 4.3.0
, select a compatible resolver version.
How to run the application:
- To start the application execute
make dev
Alternatively the application can be run using following chaing of commands:
go build -o dcc ./cmd/api/
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${PWD}/didcomm/lib
The application may also be executed inside docker. For that scenarion following steps must be executed:
- build the docker container using
make docker-build
- run the docker container on the local docker host using
make docker-run
- start the docker container using
make docker-start
(or use docker desktop) - optional: before re-building the container, do not forget to clean using
make docker-clean
Operation Modes
For the DIDComm message based communication to the Cloud there are three different modes. The modes are configured in the config.yaml. The CloudEventProvider is used to handle the communication.
- NATS: receive and send messages with the NATS protocol
- HTTP: receive and send messages with the HTTP protocol
- HYBRID: receive and send messages with the NATS and HTTP protocols
⚠️ Hybrid mode can not be used at the moment. The used protocol of the CloudEventProvider can only be set at the start of an application and can not be changed while an application is running.
The following DID methods are supported:
The used encryption algorithms are the following:
for signing (Base58 encoded) -
for encryption (Base58 encoded)
Example of an encrypted DIDComm message:
"ciphertext": "vxqMZabuz1CMfFBO1HGR6Sj6fvibjL91fQvtIiVQ-fO25T9zRiZnbaFRGysmzxhjbWAErD4cDAzcyzROxAqMKy3f49bF1KZ7QfLuqe_EcYDjn1ifNrBLvPaqz56xvWLVdkbEEWc0XgG-19esejnIHd0h2lmkxzJcesV6dyiqsVkNd55gGg-Gyk1e4YpS0YVKrSnI-2DTI1ZOOh1t6feo5-z8ozPCucDbkFDBz1l5qDhU2wpmITYeICKRdC2Rr2Whh-Kyg3ODTj-_31lSBx3cDMlzNbLtgytXuC12NWJJam8vZSFMUm97x1BlYlz75qqrd1awECQtWY0HsyXjYw4ahxcs8bsq2C6I-v295pxW48LeNnTtMhJQL1lcYMJTJSDH2cy_GcVcu3mOXc-ZS7SrRAoXarYb7ZIWwTkaTSk319R8sck0D8llx--he1jSjolOmWD1QoXclCiep2NPxhACIJFSPJx0CHGTtyR7ebMDobs_OxXadbVZYbdIBzL0yhZ9BF69u3-ovY1ck7mY_SsWFXCL5k_U73iBLWj_eDaU6nDva7zDv1Z3XYlRy8AoagoRfA18OZyCJmfmzmvntTEqk60v5wy-dsCZMPJS20ybzA-XzAzMRVAeYYfAvwvja49lfhy3kZFVVRy8qjjRa2_wYVcJb8a2228EPotkfSLP5O_mAOqNZ1_VUeRuhwXJgUWK6W-oRJ7vPJrswXZeSCnURO-c7bVgB1kYBJljRH5QdrZyxFnP1y2ZtcbLH9N1-m06OSSw58BR5GqxJKcfExanaBqmhJtOX8e6kc3FkrGOJTxi1gt8B1u97gFlmIi0UYrj66QbqC8g56mcEOuc8x2q3TTLVtrMn9YT4vI2O0d75A7v_fYFUeNk9iaJnwHZ1iFw7OzIQ_jPJacC0GGkHCHtMHPug3rz3oyn68tibxQKvbnP2yVeuBu9wnDEquchJ1UQWBTrVg0BaBNZLUtEM9k0Yza-YWKk7lII1d7GVbS1C4DpyHV3R9fMVZKa7PgYCdc_aqU5YyPdzwREy_l3vNbOy8Upc9S4eUipDuF_7yOE9YOtkyjLDFfZsbi4O84ZhtHpvCpdYPtZWYopFqP1-fmRXpXC-67Fkq_qOalBl9kXvdymDC68D02zfG3hnbS8Y22wjKPcwzU1I3bJYjqRbKo8Wy8ePRgKUR0cLCU-yFAqbY7vR4FAPOd66u9qWSZv38wnHvz6eBkxqdzTovst4tZcsoLiUuKPe5vnJbgcP99v-aXu-ipU2fZzcQS4dEYGWCdkq1Nipti1LKeL_pqTyyQr4tI2WZ_0yV1Jv2Rk_XHyxzOO0Oje70r8YDa5XLVJSOnC8FjFqfNtMVBDNOaM8UY4flVNv4bYGafaYQOKTWSKJ-prDMeer-okvdLOfZm5T2HzgcC79Jz-uf4U__Q81hOFuwdsZUx4SlWrvN3GAhOdMwDDzsgFlIDpqlPywb4C55BTXgykAxIi_3Jjbspk_ksDbFa3rXopgN4IJvlR9wJ13XHfAloIhXSiDmNs2JK3FFsl1xyD65_ZGMWS46rSBy1WcHOGFTnet2yiC50enkCI5XPCZLA_bcMJWDXJyE2c1NvjcIZbQaFw8wV9cPd-CgidEFOnpN_Nw3tO0lAAR8Im0rInzWEfaOkMYNc1FX4zdHV87xQ6EZB9GetRN8fQrY3Sl9mV2zxYerxw6JakHA38hssIT6EFBe-GCbRbh7KnfJ8plVECSaGwsdiF_09GEHQP51sOhRlIsYUbDrWtjzU1ltNYmPUfAtnAjQAHYW7f7JmURwMk464zFtZ1vibC-vZ8xDiclKEC3s39qaCndTj8JQ39TUqV2SdVsfpzGkRr7WZB2Rgy5ol5-w-Y5w6aYroThj8jsiOJjKNEENRNsHsnuXE",
"iv": "51Ivppe4PbYhdjOeSz83JQ",
"protected": "eyJ0eXAiOiJhcHBsaWNhdGlvbi9kaWRjb21tLWVuY3J5cHRlZCtqc29uIiwiYWxnIjoiRUNESC0xUFUrQTI1NktXIiwiZW5jIjoiQTI1NkNCQy1IUzUxMiIsInNraWQiOiJkaWQ6cGVlcjoyLkV6NkxTaUdLalVnN2NRUUtNTTVkV1lBWGN1YlJRRG5rclV2NmIzb0piWkFBbkV3cWMuVno2TWtrY0xrQ3JrRjU4WXdkaUF6eVFhbTZEYUYyR1o4NjlKaEFZSzdHM2UxQlRvYS5TZXlKMElqb2laRzBpTENKeklqcDdJblZ5YVNJNkltaDBkSEE2THk5c2IyTmhiR2h2YzNRNk9UQTVNQzl0WlhOellXZGxMM0psWTJWcGRtVWlMQ0poSWpwYkltUnBaR052YlcwdmRqSWlYU3dpY2lJNlcxMTlmUSM2TFNpR0tqVWc3Y1FRS01NNWRXWUFYY3ViUlFEbmtyVXY2YjNvSmJaQUFuRXdxYyIsImFwdSI6IlpHbGtPbkJsWlhJNk1pNUZlalpNVTJsSFMycFZaemRqVVZGTFRVMDFaRmRaUVZoamRXSlNVVVJ1YTNKVmRqWmlNMjlLWWxwQlFXNUZkM0ZqTGxaNk5rMXJhMk5NYTBOeWEwWTFPRmwzWkdsQmVubFJZVzAyUkdGR01rZGFPRFk1U21oQldVczNSek5sTVVKVWIyRXVVMlY1U2pCSmFtOXBXa2N3YVV4RFNucEphbkEzU1c1V2VXRlRTVFpKYldnd1pFaEJOa3g1T1hOaU1rNW9Za2RvZG1NelVUWlBWRUUxVFVNNWRGcFlUbnBaVjJSc1RETktiRmt5Vm5Ca2JWVnBURU5LYUVscWNHSkpiVkp3V2tkT2RtSlhNSFprYWtscFdGTjNhV05wU1RaWE1URTVabEVqTmt4VGFVZExhbFZuTjJOUlVVdE5UVFZrVjFsQldHTjFZbEpSUkc1cmNsVjJObUl6YjBwaVdrRkJia1YzY1dNIiwiYXB2IjoiS0Y3V0kxMmwwdC01c2FOamt0b25vZGdqb0RMUFJWdzlTa3RkRlpfRlFmOCIsImVwayI6eyJjcnYiOiJYMjU1MTkiLCJrdHkiOiJPS1AiLCJ4IjoiWl91d212RTR4b1ZQWTdsV2p3TmU3VnE5aHBYbmFaa1U5alFWWGMzdnNqayJ9fQ",
"recipients": [
"encrypted_key": "xHqGRY5syCSrRcJEuYKNmC2_c8a6X3T46pM2lotqcV6XqmeP6vVpBxDazDrvjm-DcZP89UwAp5cQEdekwZPImCIs5fy5bzhn",
"header": {
"kid": "did:peer:2.Ez6LSmg6eZ5FdMcE8PPSMMBWXDvDPQ2weFhbTWjabmgeo3hQh.Vz6Mknr5Zt1YeLF6XpCchBSCrepSoaXpFV93TR5YyhnU3nu8A.SeyJ0IjoiZG0iLCJzIjp7InVyaSI6Imh0dHA6Ly9sb2NhbGhvc3Q6OTA5MC9tZXNzYWdlL3JlY2VpdmUiLCJhIjpbImRpZGNvbW0vdjIiXSwiciI6W119fQ#6LSmg6eZ5FdMcE8PPSMMBWXDvDPQ2weFhbTWjabmgeo3hQh"
"tag": "vU2QDMvobdzBmgyfqHlnV9Gkw0ScK7bbm5c2-7eaG34"
DIDComm V2
The diagram shows the basic didcomm v2 flow between to peers (Alice and Bob).
The standard flow between a user and the DIDCommConnector are described in following diagram.
The flow only represents the happy path and does not show any details. The details of each step are described in the section Features. The dots at the end should indicate that at the end most of the messages are forward or receiving messages.
To build a docker image, run cd deployment/docker && docker build . --tag didcommconnector --build-context files=../..
To run the image (create a container from it and launch it), run docker run -p 9090:9090 -d --name dcc didcommconnector
To launch the container, run docker start dcc
To remove the container, run docker rm -f dcc
To remove the image, run docker image rm didcommconnector:latest
configuration file: config.yaml
environment -
- port: (example: 9090) needs to be 9090 if db.inMemory:true
- url: (example:"http://localhost:9090") if changed, the mediator DID in the DB needs to be deleted
- resolverUrl: the url of the DID resolver (example: "http://localhost:8081")
messageEncrypted: set the messages encryption -
inMemory: store data in application's memory -
(true only for demo purposes, set to false to use the database) - host: database's connection url (development example: "localhost")
- port: database connection port (example: 9042)
- user: database user
- password: database password
- keyspace: database keyspace
- dbName: database name
See https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/xfsc/libraries/messaging/cloudeventprovider for more info.
- messaging:
protocol: messaging's protocol -
- url: url to send cloud event (example: "http://localhost:4222")
- topic: the topic to receive didcomm messages
- queueGroup: optional (example: logger)
- timeoutInSec: optional (example: 10)
- url: url to send cloud event (example: "http://localhost:1111")
- port: port to send cloud event (example: 1111)
- path: path to receive cloud event (example: "xyz")
gocql is used to access the database.
Connection settings: To connect the needed adjustments need to be set in the configuration (see config.yaml).
Adapter interface: The application contains a database adapter interface. An implementation of it is done for cassandra (see mediator/database/cassandra.go and mediator/secretsResolver/cassandra.go). To use another database, add a new implementation of that interface and consider the potential adapting of the table structure.
The database-initialization script, stored in database/migrations
, will be executed once the application is being run for the first time and the db.inMemory in config.yaml
is set to false
. To make changes to the database, add another script(s) and run the application again.
To run all unit tests execute make test
In addition there are some end to end tests in the tests
folder. Before executing these tests the application needs to be up and running. The extension Rest-Client in VS-Code is used to execute these tests. Select the environment local
for the Rest-Client extension (Ctrl + Alt + E).
Alternative the postman collections can be used (see docs/postman-collections).
Swagger (Management API)
To test the management API it is possible to make rest requests. A UI for the management API is provided by swagger. The swagger for the management API is available at the URL: localhost:9090/swagger/index.html
All features are documentes in docs/features
Status of a feature
Possible status of a feature. Features are documented in /docs/features
. For the description of the featrues the Aries-RFC-Template is used.
The feature is planned to be implemented in the future.
The feature is partly implemented and can be tested. It should not be used in production.
The feature is implemented and tested. It can be used in production.
- I get the error
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -ldidcomm_uniffi
when starting the application- Check if the path of the library is exported
- Execute
make build-rust
and try again to start the application
- I get the error
Error resolving peer DID: ...
- Check if the universal resolver is running and if the url correct in the config file
- The application imidiatly exits after start with an error
Resolver not available
- Check if the url in the config is correct and if the DID resolver is online and available for the DIDCommConnector