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# MantleAPI

A collection of interfaces for abstraction between a scenario engine and an environment simulator.
It is intended to be usable with a wide variety of scenario description languages by implementing according scenario engines.

Remark: This is currently work in progress and no stable state is reached yet.

## Used libraries

### Units
License: MIT License
Version: v2.3.3

### GoogleTest
License: BSD-3-Clause License
Version: v1.12.1

### CPM
License: MIT License
Version: v0.36.0

## Build

In order to build this project please consider the following sections. 

The used configuration for all setups is `Debug`. For release builds change the configuration to `Release`.  

### Windows wsl2 Ubuntu and on Linux/Ubuntu native (prefered)

Install Requirements:
sudo apt install graphviz doxygen cmake g++
    cd <path_to_mantle_api>
    cmake -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$PWD/install
    cmake --build build -j
    cmake --install build
    cd <path_to_mantle_api>
    cmake --build build --target MantleAPI_doc
    cat <path_to_mantle_api>/build/doc/html/index.html

3. Test via ctest:
    cd <path_to_mantle_api>/build
    ctest --stop-on-failure
    ctest runs the tests from both build targets: `CommonTests` and `MentleAPITests`.

### Windows mingw with cmake
This section introduces a step by step guide to install the requirements to build this API with mingw tooling.

- Follow the following guide to set up the mingw64 shell and the required dependencies (cmake, gcc, ninja, doxygen, graphviz): 

Build via cmake (on a mingw console): 
1. Go to the project dir: `cd <project_dir>`
2. Build via cmake:
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake -G "Ninja" ..
3. Test the API 
    cd <path_to_mantle_api>/build/test
4. Build Doc: 
    cd <path_to_mantle_api>/build
    cmake --build . --target MantleAPI_doc

### Windows native with cmake

This section introduces a step by step guide to install the requirements to build this API with native tooling.

- install cmake:
- install Visual Studio build tools 2022:
- install doxygen:
- install graphviz:

Add doxygen, graphiz, and cmake to at least the current users PATH variable.

1. Configure:
    cmake.exe --no-warn-unused-cli -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=TRUE -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Debug "-DCMAKE_C_COMPILER:FILEPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\Llvm\bin\clang.exe" "-DCMAKE_CXX_COMPILER:FILEPATH=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\BuildTools\VC\Tools\Llvm\bin\clang.exe" -S<path_to_mantle_api> -B<path_to_mantle_api>/build -G Ninja

2. Build:
    cmake.exe --build <path_to_mantle_api>/build --config Debug --target all --

3. Run Tests: 

    Common Test: 
    $> ."<path_to_mantle_api>/build/CommonTest.exe"
    Running main() from

    Mantle API Test:
    $> ."<path_to_mantle_api>/build/MantleAPITest.exe"
    Running main() from

4. Build Doc:
    cmake.exe --build <path_to_mantle_api>/build --config Debug --target MantleAPI_doc --

    The generated html doc is located here: `<path_to_mantle_api>/build/doc/html/index.html`
Michael Behrisch's avatar
Michael Behrisch committed
## Usage in your own project with cmake

1. Adding it to your own CMakeLists.txt similar to:

    if (MantleAPI_FOUND)
        add_executable(testmantle testmantle_main.cpp)
        target_link_libraries(testmantle MantleAPI::MantleAPI)

2. Then make sure that your cmake call finds mantle-api like this:
    cmake -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=<path_to_mantle_api>/install

## Developer Notes

### Versioning

Versioning should follow the semantic versioning pattern `MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH`.  
Currently this is a manual task that needs to be approved as a part of a code review.

In the following a course guideline is given, when to increment the according fields:


- Even minor changes to a public header will most likely result in an increase of this number (= breaking change).
  As this is probably the most common case MAJOR will therefore be incremented relatively frequently compared to other libraries.


- Increments, if changes are ABI compatible, i.e. independent of the rest of other mantle definitions.  
  It is expected that this does not happen very often at the current state of development.
- Features related to testing, such as enhancing mocks, adding tests, etc.
- Features related to chore tasks, such as CI scripts, CMake enhancements, formatters, etc.


- Fixing typos in the documentation (as long as they don't change the semantic of a function call!)
- Fixing bugs related to testing
- Fixing bugs related to chore tasks