OTA Cloud Backend Integration
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Engineering epic: &18
A product integrator can build images that have built-in OTA support through the Oniro SysOTA project. They can manage a fleet of devices and update them through a dashboard. There is no need to retrofit an OTA solution and deal with the complexities of partition formats, image formats, delivery of payload over the network and management of a fleet of devices.
In scope
- Pull and push-based update support
- SysOTA support for Eclipse Hawkbit
- Support for devices running Linux
Out of Scope
- Hosting Oniro Hawkbit instance (separate epic if desired)
Acceptance Criteria
- At least one Hawkbit compatible client is supported
- SysOTA contains documentation on Hawkbit-based deployment
- Reference Linux systems can update via Hawkbit
Business Driver
- Members Acquisition
- Design Win
- Blueprints
Applicable Market Segments
- All
Applicable Personas
- Kernel Developer
- Application Developer
- UI Developer
- Product Integrator
- Software Quality Auditor
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