Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
Labels 7
PriorityCriticalEclipse Working Groups / Oniro WG / products-services-oniro-wgPriority scale: critical. This topic requires immediate attention
PriorityImportantEclipse Working Groups / Oniro WG / products-services-oniro-wgPriority scale: important. This topic requiress attention
PriorityModerate-lowEclipse Working Groups / Oniro WG / products-services-oniro-wgPriority scale: moderate or low. This topic requires little or no attention at the moment.
PriorityUrgentEclipse Working Groups / Oniro WG / products-services-oniro-wgPriority scale: urgent. This topic requires close attention
WorkflowDoneEclipse Working Groups / Oniro WG / products-services-oniro-wgWorkflow scale: done. The DoD has been achieved but not checked/reviewed.
WorkflowIn progressEclipse Working Groups / Oniro WG / products-services-oniro-wgWorkflow scale: in progress: activity in execution
WorkflowToDoEclipse Working Groups / Oniro WG / products-services-oniro-wgWorkflow scale: ToDo. Planned and approved activity.