# Mobile World Congress
* Location: Barcelona, Spain
* Venue: Fira Barcelona Gran. Via, Av. Joan Carles I, 64, 08908 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain
* Web page: http://mwc-2022.org/
## 2022 edition
* Dates: February 28th to March 3rd
* Oniro at MWC 2022 [calendar](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=c_kltj6po9ehdjk215at1011t194%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=Europe%2FMadrid).
* [iCal version](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/ical/c_kltj6po9ehdjk215at1011t194%40group.calendar.google.com/private-3fcd6b2279044cedd1f64cca670bed69/basic.ics) of the calendar
### Task to follow
* Create and send [invitations](https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse-wg/oniro-wg/proposal-incubation-stage-oniro/proposal-incubation-oniro-marketing/-/issues/29) for MWC 2022
* [Presentation](https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse-wg/oniro-wg/proposal-incubation-stage-oniro/proposal-incubation-oniro-marketing/-/issues/33)
### Registration
Registration form: http://mwc-2022.org/index.html#tg-registration
### Invitations for MWC Oniro Pipeline 1-1 Meetings
* [Flyers](https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse-wg/oniro-wg/proposal-incubation-stage-oniro/proposal-incubation-oniro-marketing/-/tree/main/Events-oniro/2022/mobile-world-congresss-22) for the invitations. Feel free to use them as part of your invitations. .-@toscalix
#### Sample Invitation Details, Either to help in Phone Invitation or via Email
Lets discuss Oniro at MWC22
Oniro is an Eclipse Foundation project focused on the development of a distributed open source operating system for consumer devices, regardless of the brand, model, make.
The aim is to make the IoT devices of tomorrow really connected between each other, sharing features and capabilities between each other to improve user experience, optimize resources and last but not least make them act autonomously thanks to AI. For additional details please visit our website https://oniroproject.org/.
What’s new about Oniro is that it has a multi-device, multi-brand, multi-kernel approach to make it a flexible and highly adaptable solution. An approach that you can’t achieve with existing closed source systems or partially open sourced ones that allows you to work only on the application layer and not at the core.
Moreover, being an open source solution hosted by the Eclipse Foundation makes Oniro a vendor neutral, transparent, open project that facilitates sitting at the table with different stakeholders that are able to support you on the engineering, business, marketing, legal side.
Oniro is managed by a working group organization and it is open to welcome new members and contributors.
For this reason, this year we've decided to facilitate Oniro meetings to introduce all the possibilities enabled by Oniro with the MWC22 audience. To make it as convenient as possible for you, we offer you different options for introducing Oniro to you including:
- Meeting in a private conference room setting of the W-Hotel Plaça Rosa Del Vents 1, Barcelona
- At your convenience at the MWC Exhibition Center
- If you are not able to attend in Barcelona in-person, we will host an Oniro Introduction session on March 1st at CET 09:00 from the W-Hotel, Barcelona which you can attend remotely (online).
Please contact Agustin.Benito@eclipse-foundation.org to arrange an Oniro introduction meeting at MWC in the mode that is most convenient for you.
Best Regards,
The last part of the message above is mainly for Eclipse Foundation to reach out to their contacts, where Agustin is going to be the single point of contact. For those who will start personal reach out on their contact list try to secure the meeting during your message thread or your phone conversation, do not point people to write to someone else to book the slot.
Preferably, contact made by Phone. If by email, request follow up by phone and also consider a reminder during the days before the event to secure it will happen and agendas are properly booked.
Once the meeting is confirmed remember to send an email with date, time and place along with a calendar (be sure they know exactly where this is supposed to happen, especially if they agreed to come to the hotel conference room and address is needed).
If the contact is sponsoring the event —> propose a catch-up at their booth or at any place available inside the venue (would be easy to organize)
If the contact is not sponsoring or there’s a good possibility they will meet us at the hotel conference room —> propose a meeting there that will still be in 1:1 mode
If the contact is not travelling to Barcelona or if you feel it’s not able to organize a 1:1 in person try to schedule a virtual meeting —> the hotel conference room is equipped with video and audio system and a remote connection can be managed pretty well
## Presentation
Data about the presentation:
* March 1st from 9:00 to 10:00 CET
* The presentation is 45 min. long plus 15 min Q&A.
* It will be recorded.
* Rehearsal on Feb 28th at 17:00 CET at W Barcelona hotel.
* Join online:
* Zoom [link](https://eclipse.zoom.us/j/84382886411?pwd=bVJNVzVGMld3SGdQV3hBMyt5eWl0dz09)
* Meeting ID: 843 8288 6411
* Passcode: 578376
* Slide deck [draft](https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse-wg/oniro-wg/proposal-incubation-stage-oniro/proposal-incubation-oniro-marketing/-/blob/main/Events-oniro/2022/mobile-world-congresss-22/oniro_presentation_talk_mwc_2022_toscalix_gael.odp)
* WIP: proposal-incubation-oniro-marketing!110
The presentation will have the following content:
* Key aspects of the Eclipse Foundation that are relevant in this presentation. (5 min)
* Problem statement that Oniro tries to solve. (5 min)
* Why is Oniro relevant for its ecosystem (15 min)
* What is Oniro (15 min)
* The ecosystem (working group)
* The community driven projects
* The software/platform
* The compatibility program.
* Current state of Oniro WG and project
* Join Oniro (5 min)
### Script
#### Key aspects of the Eclipse Foundation that are relevant in this presentation.
* Eclipse Foundation is an EU organizations with global reach.
* EF is the main open source organization in Europe and one of the top one worldwide.
* Some numbers.
* Leaders in IoT & Edge
#### Problem statement that Oniro tries to solve.
* Describe the current situation in IoT.
* Historic perspective
* Keywords
* Fragmented
* Cloud dependant
* Low coopetition despite high amounts of open source involved in the industry.
* Success picture
#### Why is Oniro relevant for its ecosystem
* Interview (to)panel-like) with 3 Oniro Member representatives live/remote: Davide Ricchi (Huawei), Bill Fletcher (Linaro) and Marco Sogli (Seco).
* Why is it Oniro relevant to your organization?
* Name/describe an element about Oniro that you think makes the project different/unique?
#### What is Oniro
Short description of the key elements
* Ecosystem
* Community
The ecosystem (working group)
* What is a Working Group at EF: ecosystem
* Oniro WG Mission
* Oniro WG key goals
* Support the Oniro community (projects)
* Making Oniro platform a commercial success
The community (projects)
* What is a project (community driven) at EF
* Oniro projects mission
The software/platform
* General description
* Key technical elements
* Blueprints
The compatibility program.
* Goal
* Description
* Structure and gov. bodies
* Oniro WG Spec. Committee
* Spec project
Current state of Oniro WG and projects
* From the EF PoV (agreements with OpenAtom) and relation wiht IoT group
* From the WG PoV
* From the projects PoV
* Next steps on each front.
* Links
#### Join Oniro
* Why joining Oniro
* Why now.
* What are we doing to grow our ecosystem. |
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