Labels can be applied to issues, merge requests, and epics. Group labels are available for any project within the group.
High PriorityEclipse Working Groups / Eclipse IDE WGActively prioritizing this task, ensuring it progresses without any blocks or delays
ObjectiveGrowthEclipse Working Groups / Eclipse IDE WGItems under the "Growth" objective, as of Program Plan categories
ObjectiveInnovationEclipse Working Groups / Eclipse IDE WGItems under the "Innovation" objective, as of Program Plan categories
ObjectiveValueEclipse Working Groups / Eclipse IDE WGItems under the "Value" objective, as of Program Plan categories
On holdEclipse Working Groups / Eclipse IDE WGThe topic is set aside for the medium/long term, but it hasn't been abandoned.
statein progressEclipse Working Groups / Eclipse IDE WGWorking actively on this task, and it is neither blocked nor pending
statetodoEclipse Working Groups / Eclipse IDE WGTask is confirmed as "to be done", a "Definition of done" must be present in its descrtipion. if not if should stay in the backlog ("Open" column)
statewaitingEclipse Working Groups / Eclipse IDE WGTask is awaiting a specific date, delayed or blocked by some (external) element(s)