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Eclipse DataEggs provides open datasets related to the Eclipse forge. Please check the project's website for more information.
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This project contains a working prototype of the next-generation REST API for the Eclipse Marketplace. The Eclipse Marketplace provides thousands of plug-ins, solutions, and service offerings for the the Eclipse community. And the new REST API will provide intuitive, flexible access to essential Marketplace listings, metrics, and activity.
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Eclipse REST API Documentation.
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Project Dash is a place where the community itself can collaborate on tools for community awareness and collaboration in support of our ultimate objective of committer quality and cooperation. This is very much a research project as we are not entirely sure what these tools will be.
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Tangle EE is a working group collaboration with the Eclipse Foundation. It provides a governed environment for organizations and contributors to develop new ideas and applications using IOTA technologies.
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The Eclipse Foundation has been a partner in many publicly funded research projects since 2013. We help organizations to successfully create, publish, and sustain an open source software platform, making the results of the research projects available for commercial or public exploitation.
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OpenADx is about an ecosystem. Each company/partner brings its specialized expertise into one or more of the ecosystem topic areas helping to create the most efficient tool chain possible and improve that toolchain over time.
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The mission of the openGENESIS Working Group is to provide methods and tools for the assessment of artificial intelligence (AI) used for autonomous driving.
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The Science Working Group (SWG) works to solve the problems of making science software inter-operable and interchangeable.
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Eclipse Agent Modeling Platform ARCHIVED
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