Explore projects
Oliver Zell / FC Service
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Stefane Fermigier / SMO fork for H3NI
MIT LicenseUpdated -
RISC-V eXtension interface that provides a generalized framework suitable to implement custom coprocessors and ISA extensions
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OpenHW Group / backup-20250212 / cve2
Apache License 2.0The CORE-V CVE2 is a small 32 bit RISC-V CPU core (RV32IMC/EMC) with a two stage pipeline, based on the original zero-riscy work from ETH Zurich and Ibex work from lowRISC.
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Issues related to the OpenHW Group infra (GtHub, Mattermost, ...)
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OpenHW Group / backup-20250212 / force-riscv
Apache License 2.0Instruction Set Generator initially contributed by Futurewei
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OpenHW Group / backup-20250212 / timer_unit
Apache License 2.0Updated -
OpenHW Group / backup-20250212 / cva6-platform
Apache License 2.0CVA6-platform is a multicore CVA6 with CV-MESH software and regression platform
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Eclipse/FreeRTOS/core-v-mcu example program
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OpenHW Group / backup-20250212 / core-v-mcu-commonio
Apache License 2.0CORE-V MCU DevKit drivers written with AWS CommonIO approach