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Assets for the Eclipse Foundation look and feel called Solstice.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / membership.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0Supported by our member organizations, the Eclipse Foundation provides our community with Intellectual Property, Mentorship, Marketing, Event and IT Services.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Webdev / Eclipse Foundation Version Control Tools
Eclipse Public License 2.0This toolset is responsible for synchronizing committers, contributors and settings across all Eclipse Foundation GitHub repositories and organizations.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / APIs / eclipsefdn-working-groups-api
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Eclipse Projects / papyrus / org.eclipse.papyrus-web
Eclipse Public License 2.0Papyrus for web-browser
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Eclipse Research Labs / ENACT Project / Dynamic Graph Modeller
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated