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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / aice.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0Archived 2Updated -
Marketing documents images and other files relevant to this stage of the Oniro Working Group Workflow. This repository is frozen (read only).
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Eclipse Projects / dataeggs / Eclipse DataEggs
Eclipse Public License 2.0THIS PROJECT IS ARCHIVED
Eclipse DataEggs provides open datasets related to the Eclipse forge. Please check the project's website for more information.
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Archived 1Updated
This repository host all the documents, images and files required to the creation of the Oniro Working Group as well as the Top Level Project and initial subprojects.
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Eclipse Projects / Technology / Eclipse Dash / dash-website
Eclipse Public License 2.0Project Dash is a place where the community itself can collaborate on tools for community awareness and collaboration in support of our ultimate objective of committer quality and cooperation. This is very much a research project as we are not entirely sure what these tools will be.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / tangle.ee
Eclipse Public License 2.0Tangle EE is a working group collaboration with the Eclipse Foundation. It provides a governed environment for organizations and contributors to develop new ideas and applications using IOTA technologies.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / APIs / api.eclipse.org-docs
Eclipse Public License 2.0Eclipse REST API Documentation.
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This project is not used anymore. Report your vulnerability in https://gitlab.eclipse.org/security/vulnerability-reports/
Archived 0UpdatedArchived 0Updated -
philippe coval / pim435
OtherRelocated to:
https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipse/oniro-blueprints/core/pim435 https://gitlab.eclipse.org/pcoval/pim435A userspace driver application for PIM435 written in C
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Archived 0Updated
Eclipse Foundation / IT / Webdev / jekyll-theme-eclipsefdn
Eclipse Public License 2.0This theme is intended to provide the branding for Eclipse projects using GitHub pages for their documentation.
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Archived 0Updated
Eclipse Foundation / IT / Websites / opengenesis.eclipse.org
Eclipse Public License 2.0The mission of the openGENESIS Working Group is to provide methods and tools for the assessment of artificial intelligence (AI) used for autonomous driving.
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Eclipse Foundation / IT / APIs / marketplace-rest-api
Eclipse Public License 2.0Proof of concept project within the Microservice initiative, the Foundation looks to leverage Quarkus to renew their MPC API.
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Archived 0Updated
Archived 0Updated
Project has been archived due to code reorganization
Archived 0Updated