Hi, we would like to Implement a new website for the Open Regulatory Compliance Working Group, please. Please note that a new repo needs to be created for the orcwg.org website.
Hi @oliviergoulet sorry for the delay, I am also sick today and working on and off. As @cguindon mentioned, we want this always to be the Eclipse Foundation logo. Thank you both!
Are community news and events WG-specific? If so, how are those updated / sourced?
On the landing page, the secondary CTA links to a blog post. Is the plan to keep this?
There's a foundation-wide banner right above the footer with its own CTA. Is the plan to replace this with a WG-specific CTA? This feels a little confusing for now.
The membership FAQ is currently a PDF. Is there a plan to turn that into regular HTML content?
The content of the about page needs an update. What's the best way to go about this? Are there good examples of effective WG about page that we could use for inspiration? Are there good visuals that could help convey what the WG is about?
Hi @oliviergoulet thanks looks good to me! just some small tweaks ( fixing the dot to be centralized and increasing the top spacing on the second one please.
Are community news and events WG-specific? If so, how are those updated / sourced?
I forgot to mention I am using the news feed for eclipse.org for the preview. This was to show how news items would appear. The ORC news feed is currently empty and would show as:
On the landing page, the secondary CTA links to a blog post. Is the plan to keep this?
It's linked to the working group charter, but I believe it should be linked to a pitch deck. @jharrisj1m, can you provide the URL for the second CTA?
There's a foundation-wide banner right above the footer with its own CTA. Is the plan to replace this with a WG-specific CTA? This feels a little confusing for now.
Yes, that is the plan. Much like the news situation, it was targeting eclipse.org. I just now made the change for ORC.
It should now show a generic message about discovering Eclipse Foundation events. Once a featured story has been published for ORC, it should appear in the banner.
The membership FAQ is currently a PDF. Is there a plan to turn that into regular HTML content?
I can do this now! It's mostly text content, so it should be quick.
The content of the about page needs an update...
For the text itself, the best option would be to suggest edits on the Google Doc.
I don't think we'll have time to make any major changes to the page's appearance if we're targeting going live on Friday. You could make a new issue here or in the marketing repo requesting an update to the design: https://gitlab.eclipse.org/eclipsefdn/marketing/-/issues
Please let me know if you have any other questions!
RE: linking to a pitch deck in the "learn more" CTA, I don't know if that asset exists yet, so in the mean time I think it is fair to leave the link to the charter.
Also, we will be adding the resources listed here to the "community news" section through newsroom once the website is equipped to do that
This is a great start, and I like the look of it. Here are my suggested edits.
On the home page
a) "Join the WG" takes you to the join as a member page; while it works, this is a bit jarring. Not necessary for launch if we don't have it, but ideally there would be a page off the membership tab explaining how to get involved, ask whether you're already a member of Eclipse, explain membership, etc.
b) "Learn More" takes you to the charter; same as above - would be better to be taken to a resources page or something similar rather than the charter.
c) Just a nit, but given not all the logos fit, making these random rather than alphabetical would be more appropriate.
About page
a) More about ORC needs a different action, or simply relabel to "Working Group Charter" (which wouldn't be a bad thing).
Membership page
This needs a bit of text as preamble stating this is an industry initiative that brings together .... (@croundy do we have some basic text to use).
And while we would normally state "Our Members", in this particular working group case, I think "Working Group Members" is more appropriate in this case.
Payara is not a Strategic member.
Join the Mailing List
This seems the wrong header. "Participate" or "How to Participate" would be more appropriate, and Join the Mailing List is just one of the actions. This section should list that all are welcome to follow, to join the mailing list, and to contribute to the discussion.
While we may not have it immediately, this WG begs for a Resources tab.
@tobielangel do we have anything we can include as yet?
@pwhited3w Thanks for the feedback! I have made some changes:
About page a) More about ORC needs a different action, or simply relabel to "Working Group Charter" (which wouldn't be a bad thing).
I have relabelled the button as "Working Group Charter" while we wait for a pitch deck
And while we would normally state "Our Members", in this particular working group case, I think "Working Group Members" is more appropriate in this case.
I have made this change on the membership page.
Payara is not a Strategic member.
This was a bug with the member list that has now been fixed.
Join the Mailing List This seems the wrong header.
I renamed the link to "Participate"
While we may not have it immediately, this WG begs for a Resources tab.
I'll create this page separately so that if it is still incomplete, it won't block the entire website from going live.
Thanks for making the updates. A few further comments.
Agreed the heading off the home page needs to be Participate. But this can't go directly to a mailing list. It needs to have a separate page that describes how folks can participate, and one of the links or CTAs on that page includes joining the mailing list. We can't go live without fixing this. @croundy hopefully this is straightforward to draft.
@pwhited3w, is the google doc@scorbett shared above what you had in mind in terms of content? Alternatively, would leveraging content from either of these GitLab READMEs be a good start?
@croundy@pwhited3w I could draft some content for the "Participate/Get Involved" page based on the README Tobie provided? This would include a short preamble about the goals of the working group and why members should join, plus links to the Mailing list, Matrix chat, community calendar and eclipse.org/membership/join-us.
@mkokabi It's not clear how these images relate to "news." Can we please find something that better reflects News? For "events," let's try to keep it a bit more generic. The classroom one or similar is probably fine so long as it's got good enough resolution.
@croundy@tobielangel - I recommend merging @oliviergoulet's work soon once we determine the site is in a good enough state to publish. This way, we can get the site into production and allow Google and other services to index the content before we start promoting it.
I’m fine with everyone continuing to work with Olivier on improvements after the initial deployment, but we shouldn't delay the site launch too long because we are aiming for perfection. DNS propagation could take up to 48 hours for some users. It would be best to get that sorted out a few days before the team start promoting the site. This is why I think getting this done today is a good idea.
Could we aim to deploy the first version today? I prefer not to launch a new site on a Friday.
Thanks @cguindon to you and @oliviergoulet for all the help and good work with this! Rather than put too much stress on your team to publish this week, let's give ourselves a little more time to make sure we get it right. There are a few important content additions/changes that should be part of the initial launch. Let's give ourselves at least through today to make sure this Google doc accurately represents the content we want for the initial roll out and then give your team another week or so to implement. Does that work? https://docs.google.com/document/d/17I_AcItz-5V-DxJJmJOpk1bLgaLIcDdaxIFdFmQgzdM/edit
Thanks @oliviergoulet. Overall, it looks great and on the most part I think we could go live as is. A few minor nits:
Home page:
Community News Image could look more like a "News" image. @mkokabi provided an option, though we might still find something more appropriate
Seems we're still missing the logos/links to members
Participation Page:
Under "Become a Member of the Working Group" the links are difficult to see. Let's make them more visible like the other links on the page
Membership Page:
Change the CTA from "Contact us" to "Contact Us About Membership"
Again, member logos/links are still missing
Do we need to eliminate the "Strategic Members" section for now since there aren't any?
FAQ Page:
It looks like we've consolidated multiple questions and answers into 1. Let's split this into 4 questions, each with separate answers:
Feedback from all parties is appreciated as we formalise the Charter. Feedback may be sent to the public mailing list.
Feedback is welcome up until the time the Steering Committee approves the charter, typically in the first or second meeting of the Steering Committee (so likely later in June or early July). All feedback will be collected and made available to the Steering Committee for their consideration.
It’s worth noting that significant feedback has already been given on the mailing list, which is great to see.
As with any initiative with such a diversity of stakeholders and interested parties, we want to use this as a chance to highlight that the Eclipse Foundation governance does not require unanimity. Rather, as will be the case with all decisions to be taken by the working group committees, the Steering Committee will approve the Draft Charter in its first or second meeting. In the case of approval of a charter, a supermajority vote of ⅔ of members is required. It’s also worth pointing out that our governance model permits the Steering Committee to decide at a future date to modify or update the charter if it feels it is appropriate using the same process.
Finally, how close are we to having a Resource Hub to link to @tobielangel? Are we ready to add that to the top nav of this website? And, should it be referenced elsewhere as well?
Could we change the capitalization of this section in the jumbotron to match this:
Key stakeholders from industry and open source communities are collaborating to support compliance with government regulations, ensuring the continued use and advancement of open source through the software supply chain.
I added some articles to the "community news" section of the website, but only the ones marked as the announcements are only showing up on the homepage. Would we be able to show both "community updates" and "announcements" in this section? Also, this page is empty, but maybe that will change when it is live: https://preview-1--orcwg-org.eclipsecontent.org/news/
Please do not promote the website until Monday. It can take up to 48 hours for the DNS records to propagate across the internet. In other words, the website may be inaccessible to some users until then.
Thanks @oliviergoulet. I also noticed that the FAQ page isn't setup as atop nav option, which means there's only 1 link to that page (on the About page). Unless anyone else has an objection, It seems appropriate to make sure that page is easily found by having it on the top nav (at least for now).
Thanks, and please let us know when the other feedback has been implemented.
Would we be able to show both "community updates" and "announcements" in this section?
The community updates and announcements are both being shown now. We made this change shortly before going live.
Could we change the capitalization of this section in the jumbotron to match this
This is still planned. The theme currently enforces title casing for the jumbotron subtitle and headline text. We will push an update separately to fix this.
Thanks @oliviergoulet. Overall it looks great!. Push it live when ready. For the FAQs, let's change the previously referenced text (currently 4 different questions) and make them 1 question and 1 answer as follows:
Feedback from all parties is appreciated as we formalise the Charter. Feedback may be sent to the public mailing list.
Feedback is welcome up until the time the Steering Committee approves the charter, typically in the first or second meeting of the Steering Committee. All feedback will be collected and made available to the Steering Committee for their consideration.
As with any initiative with such a diversity of stakeholders and interested parties, we want to use this as a chance to highlight that the Eclipse Foundation governance does not require unanimity. Rather, as will be the case with all decisions to be taken by the working group committees, the Steering Committee will approve the Draft Charter in its first or second meeting. In the case of approval of a charter, a supermajority vote of ⅔ of members is required. It’s also worth pointing out that our governance model permits the Steering Committee to decide at a future date to modify or update the charter if it feels it is appropriate using the same process.
@oliviergoulet Just noticed that on the Membership page, the "Strategic Members" section is still there. Can you please temporarily remove it until we get one or more strategics? Thanks