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Labels 120
Eclipse Foundation
We will address this soon and will provide capacity from our team to deal with. Response time (webmaster hours) Within 2 hours! Response time (outside webmaster hours) Strategic Members: Upon notification Others: next business day !
Eclipse Foundation
We don't have visibility when this will be addressed. Response time (webmaster hours) Within next 5 business days ! Response time (outside webmaster hours) Within next 5 business days! Other enhancement : Best Effort !
Eclipse Foundation
We want to address this but may have other higher priority items. Response time (webmaster hours) Within 4 hours ! Response time (outside webmaster hours) Within next business day !
Eclipse Foundation
We will address this as soon as possible regardless of the limit on our team capacity. Response time (webmaster hours) Immediate!, Response time (outside webmaster hours) Upon notification!
Eclipse Foundation
[Tier 1]( service down - Prevents work, causes data loss, affects many users, and/or has no workaround.
Eclipse Foundation
Provisioning (Account; Project; vserver; code restructuring), Enhancement (Requesting new software; site improvements; etc)
Eclipse Foundation
[Tier 2]( service down, and: password reset; signing, permissions preventing commit & unable to commit; other issues blocking an individual committer or project.
Eclipse Foundation
[Tier 3]( service down; and: non-blocking requests.
Eclipse Foundation
We will address this soon and will provide capacity from our team for it in the next few releases
Eclipse Foundation
We will address this as soon as possible regardless of limit on our team capacity. re-design
Eclipse Foundation
Issues related to the Site Architecture and Redesign project: &18.